Features for dashboard cards
Some dashboard cards have support for features. These widgets add quick controls to the card. Supported features depend on the card and entity capabilities. Multiple features can be added to a single card.
Screenshot of tile cards with features.
Features can be enabled on the following cards:
Customizing features
Edit the card and open the Features section.
To add an additional feature to your card, select Add feature.
Info: The available options for a feature depend on the entity and type of feature.
- For example, not all entities have a toggle or a counter-action.
Info: The available options for a feature depend on the entity and type of feature.
On tile cards, you can adjust the feature position.
- Under Features > Feature position, select Bottom or Inline:
Reordering features:
- Some features of the tile card, such as the presets or the HVAC modes of a thermostat, can show buttons.
- To reorder the buttons, enable Customize and drag and drop the buttons into position.
- If you don’t like the buttons, you can replace them by a Dropdown instead.
- Under Style, select the Dropdown option.
Alarm modes
Widget that displays buttons to arm and disarm an alarm.
Screenshot of the tile card with alarm modes feature
- type: "alarm-modes"
- armed_home
- armed_away
- armed_night
- armed_vacation
- armed_custom_bypass
- disarmed
Climate fan modes
Widget that displays buttons or icons to control the fan mode for a climate device.
Screenshot of the tile card with the climate fan modes feature
- type: "climate-fan-modes"
style: "icons"
- "off"
- low
- medium
- high
Climate HVAC modes
Widget that displays buttons to control the HVAC mode for a climate.
Screenshot of the tile card with the climate HVAC modes feature
- type: "climate-hvac-modes"
- auto
- heat_cool
- heat
- cool
- dry
- fan_only
- "off"
Climate preset modes
Widget that displays buttons or icons to control the preset mode for a climate.
Screenshot of the tile card with the climate preset modes feature
- type: "climate-preset-modes"
style: "icons"
- home
- eco
Configuration Variables
How the preset modes should be displayed. It can be either dropdown
or icons
Counter actions
Widget that displays buttons to increment, decrement, and reset a counter.
Screenshot of the tile card with counter actions feature
- type: "counter-actions"
- increment
- decrement
- reset
Cover open/close
Widget that displays buttons to open, close, or stop a cover.
Screenshot of the tile card with cover open/close feature
- type: "cover-open-close"
Cover position
Widget that displays a slider to control the position for a cover.
Screenshot of the tile card with the cover position feature
- type: "cover-position"
Cover tilt
Widget that displays buttons to open, close, or stop a cover.
Screenshot of the tile card with cover tilt feature
- type: "cover-tilt"
Cover tilt position
Widget that displays a slider to control the tilt position for a cover.
Screenshot of the tile card with the cover tilt position feature
- type: "cover-tilt-position"
Fan preset modes
Widget that displays buttons or icons to control the preset mode for a fan.
Screenshot of the tile card with the fan preset modes feature
- type: "fan-preset-modes"
style: "icons"
- auto
- smart
- sleep
- 'on'
Fan speed
Widget that displays speed controls for a fan.
Screenshot of the tile card with fan speed feature
- type: "fan-speed"
Humidifier modes
Widget that displays buttons or icons to control the mode for a humidifier.
Screenshot of the tile card with the humidifier modes feature
- type: "humidifier-modes"
style: "icons"
- home
- eco
Humidifier toggle
Widget that displays buttons to turn on or off a humidifier.
Screenshot of the tile card with the humidifier toggle feature
- type: "humidifier-toggle"
Lawn mower commands
Widget that displays buttons to control a lawn mower.
Screenshot of the tile card with the lawn mower commands feature
- type: "lawn-mower-commands"
- start_pause
- dock
Light brightness
Widget that displays a slider to select the brightness for a light.
Screenshot of the tile card with light brightness feature
- type: "light-brightness"
Light color temp
Widget that displays a slider to select the color temperature for a light.
Screenshot of the tile card with the light color temperature feature
- type: "light-color-temp"
Lock commands
Widget that displays buttons to lock or unlock a lock.
Screenshot of the tile card with the lock commands feature
- type: "lock-commands"
Lock open door
Widget that displays a button to open a door.
Screenshot of the tile card with the lock open door feature
- type: "lock-open-door"
Media player volume slider
Widget that displays a slider to control the volume for a media player.
Screenshot of the tile card with media player volume slider feature
- type: "media-player-volume-slider"
Numeric input
Widget that displays a slider or buttons to set the value for a number or input number.
Screenshot of the tile card with the numeric input feature
- type: "numeric-input"
style: "buttons"
Target humidity
Widget that displays a slider to select the target humidity for a humidifier.
Screenshot of the tile card with the target humidity feature
- type: "target-humidity"
Target temperature
Widget that displays buttons to select the target temperature for a climate or a water heater.
Screenshot of the tile card with the target temperature feature
- type: "target-temperature"
Widget that displays a button to toggle a switch or input boolean entity on or off.
Screenshot of the tile card with the toggle feature
- type: "toggle"
Update actions
Widget that displays actions to install or skip an update.
Screenshot of the tile card with update actions feature
- type: "update-actions"
backup: "ask"
Vacuum commands
Widget that displays buttons to control a vacuum.
Screenshot of the tile card with vacuum commands feature
- type: "vacuum-commands"
- start_pause
- stop
- clean_spot
- locate
- return_home
Water heater operation modes
Widget that displays buttons to control the operation mode of a water heater.
Screenshot of the tile card with the water heater operation modes feature
- type: "water-heater-operation-modes"
- electric
- gas
- heat_pump
- eco
- performance
- high_demand
- "off"