Media player
Interacts with media players on your network.
Building block integration
This media player is a building block integration that cannot be added to your Home Assistant directly but is used and provided by other integrations.
A building block integration differs from the typical integration that connects to a device or service. Instead, other integrations that do integrate a device or service into Home Assistant use this media player building block to provide entities, services, and other functionality that you can use in your automations or dashboards.
If one of your integrations features this building block, this page documents the functionality the media player building block offers.
The state of a media player
A media player can have the following states:
- Off: The media player is turned off and is not accepting commands until turned on.
- On: The media player is turned on, but no details on its state are currently known.
- Idle: The media player is turned on and accepting commands, but currently not playing any media. Possibly at some idle home screen.
- Playing: The media player is currently playing media.
- Paused: The media player has an active media and is currently paused
- Standby: The media player is in a low power state, accepting commands.
- Buffering: The media player is preparing to start playback of media.
- Unavailable: The entity is currently unavailable.
- Unknown: The state is not yet known.
Media control actions
Available actions: turn_on
, turn_off
, toggle
, volume_up
, volume_down
, volume_set
, volume_mute
, media_play_pause
, media_play
, media_pause
, media_stop
, media_next_track
, media_previous_track
, clear_playlist
, shuffle_set
, repeat_set
, play_media
, select_source
, select_sound_mode
, join
, unjoin
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all . |
Action media_player.volume_mute
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all . |
is_volume_muted |
no | True/false for mute/unmute |
Action media_player.volume_set
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all . |
volume_level |
no | Float for volume level. Range 0..1 |
Action media_player.media_seek
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all . |
seek_position |
no | Position to seek to. The format is platform dependent. |
Action media_player.play_media
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all . |
media_content_id |
no | A media identifier. The format of this is integration dependent. For example, you can provide URLs to Sonos and Cast but only a playlist ID to iTunes. |
media_content_type |
no | A media type. Must be one of music , tvshow , video , episode , channel or playlist . For example, to play music you would set media_content_type to music . |
enqueue |
yes | How the new media should interact with the queue. Must be one of add , next , play , replace . If the media player doesn’t support this feature, the new media will play and the enqueue directive is ignored. |
announce |
yes | Set to true to request the media player to temporarily stop playing media to announce this media and then resume. If the media player doesn’t support this feature, the announcement will play but the media player and will not resume playing the interrupted media once the announcement finishes. |
extra |
yes | Extra dictionary data to send, e.g., title, thumbnail. Possible values can be found below. |
Extra dictionary data
Configuration Variables
Seconds since the beginning of the content. If the content is live content, and the position is not specified, the stream will start at the live position.
Describes the type of media artifact as one of the following: NONE
Example of calling media player action with title and image set:
action: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.chromecast
media_content_type: music
media_content_id: ""
thumb: ""
title: HomeAssistantRadio
Action media_player.select_source
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Target a specific media player. To target all media players, use all . |
source |
no | Name of the source to switch to. Platform dependent. |
Action media_player.select_sound_mode
Currently only supported on Denon AVR and Songpal.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Target a specific media player. For example media_player.marantz
sound_mode |
no | Name of the sound mode to switch to. Platform dependent. |
Action media_player.shuffle_set
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Target a specific media player. For example media_player.spotify
shuffle |
no |
true /false for enabling/disabling shuffle |
Action media_player.repeat_set
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Target a specific media player. For example
repeat |
no |
off /all /one for setting repeat mode |
Action media_player.join
Allows to group media players together for synchronous playback. Only works on supported multiroom audio systems.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | The media player entity whose playback will be expanded to the players specified in group_members . |
group_members |
no | The player entities which will be synced with the playback from entity_id . |
Action media_player.unjoin
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
entity_id |
yes | Unjoin this media player from any player groups. |
Action media_player.browse_media
Provides access to browsing the media tree provided by the integration. Similar in functionality to browsing media through the media player UI. Common use cases include automations that need to navigate media libraries and find media by specific categories.
Data attribute | Optional | Description |
media_content_type |
yes | The type of media to browse such as music, playlist, and video. Integration specific. |
media_content_id |
yes | The content ID to browse. Integration specific. An empty content ID returns the top-level of the browse tree. |
The action returns a media tree object that can be stored in a response variable for use in subsequent automation steps. The response includes:
Field | Description |
title |
Display name of the current level |
media_class |
Type of the current item (for example, directory, music, video) |
media_content_type |
Content type identifier |
media_content_id |
Integration specific content ID |
children_media_class |
Types of items in the children array |
children |
Array of child items with similar properties |
Browse the root of the tree.
Note: The following example shows a response from a Sonos device. The structure and content types may vary between different media player integrations. Media content IDs are often URL-encoded.
# Get the top of the browse tree
- action: media_player.browse_media
entity_id: media_player.living_room
response_variable: top_level
# abbreviated Example response
title: Sonos
media_class: directory
media_content_type: root
media_content_id: ""
# children_media_class indicates that all items in the children array are directories
children_media_class: directory
- title: Favorites
media_class: directory
media_content_type: favorites
media_content_id: ""
- title: Music Library
media_class: directory
media_content_type: library
media_content_id: ""
Example of browsing a specific artist with the Sonos Integration:
Note: This example demonstrates browsing an artist’s albums. The format of media_content_id
) is specific to Sonos. Notice how special characters in album names are URL-encoded in the response (for example, %20
for spaces).
- action: media_player.browse_media
entity_id: media_player.living_room
media_content_id: A:ALBUMARTIST/Beatles
media_content_type: album
response_variable: albums
# Abbreviated Example response
title: Beatles
media_class: album
media_content_type: album
media_content_id: A:ALBUMARTIST/Beatles
children_media_class: directory
- title: A Hard Day's Night
media_class: album
media_content_type: album
media_content_id: A:ALBUMARTIST/Beatles/A%20Hard%20Day's%20Night
- title: Abbey Road
media_class: album
media_content_type: album
media_content_id: A:ALBUMARTIST/Beatles/Abbey%20Road
Device class
A device class is a measurement categorization in Home Assistant. It influences how the entity is represented in the dashboard. This can be modified in the customize section. For example, different states may be represented by different icons, colors, or text.
The screenshot shows different icons representing device classes of the media player entity:
Example of different icons representing device classes of the media player entity.
The following device classes are supported for media players:
: Device is a television type device. -
: Device is a speaker or stereo type device. -
: Device is an audio/video receiver type device taking audio and outputting to speakers and video to displays.