Automation trigger variables

Automations support templating in the same way as scripts do. In addition to the Home Assistant template extensions available to scripts, the trigger and this template variables are available.

The template variable this is also available when evaluating any trigger_variables declared in the configuration.

Available this data

The variable this is the state object of the automation at the moment of triggering the actions. State objects also contain context data which can be used to identify the user that caused a scriptScripts are components that allow users to specify a sequence of actions to be executed by Home Assistant when turned on. [Learn more] or automationAutomations in Home Assistant allow you to automatically respond to things that happen in and around your home. [Learn more] to execute. Note that this will not change while executing the actionsActions are used in several places in Home Assistant. As part of a script or automation, actions define what is going to happen once a trigger is activated. In scripts, an action is called sequence. [Learn more].

Available trigger data

The variable trigger is an object that contains details about which triggerA trigger is a set of values or conditions of a platform that are defined to cause an automation to run. [Learn more] triggered the automation.

Templates can use the data to modify the actions performed by the automation or displayed in a message. For example, you could create an automation that multiple sensors can trigger and then use the sensor’s location to specify a light to activate; or you could send a notification containing the friendly name of the sensor that triggered it.

Each trigger platform can include additional data specific to that platform.


Triggers from all platforms will include the following data.

Template variable Data
trigger.alias Alias of the trigger. The id of the trigger.
trigger.idx Index of the trigger. (The first trigger idx is 0.)


These are the properties available for a Calendar trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: calendar
trigger.event The trigger event type, either start or end
trigger.calendar_event The calendar event object matched.
trigger.calendar_event.summary The title or summary of the calendar event.
trigger.calendar_event.start String representation of the start date or date time of the calendar event e.g. 2022-04-10, or 2022-04-10 11:30:00-07:00
trigger.calendar_event.end String representation of the end time of date time the calendar event in UTC e.g. 2022-04-11, or 2022-04-10 11:45:00-07:00
trigger.calendar_event.all_day Indicates the event spans the entire day.
trigger.calendar_event.description A detailed description of the calendar event, if available.
trigger.calendar_event.location Location information for the calendar event, if available.
trigger.offset Timedelta object with offset to the event, if any


These are the properties available for a Device trigger.

Inherites template variables from event or state template based on the type of trigger selected for the device.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: device.


These are the properties available for a Event trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: event.
trigger.event Event object that matched.
trigger.event.event_type Event type. Optional event data.


These are the properties available for a MQTT trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: mqtt.
trigger.topic Topic that received payload.
trigger.payload Payload.
trigger.payload_json Dictionary of the JSON parsed payload.
trigger.qos QOS of payload.

Numeric state

These are the properties available for a numeric state trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: numeric_state
trigger.entity_id Entity ID that we observe.
trigger.below The below threshold, if any.
trigger.above The above threshold, if any.
trigger.from_state The previous state object of the entity.
trigger.to_state The new state object that triggered trigger.
trigger.for Timedelta object how long state has met above/below criteria, if any.


These are the properties available for a Sentence trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: conversation
trigger.sentence Text of the sentence that was matched
trigger.slots Object with matched slot values
trigger.details Object with matched slot details by name, such as wildcards. Each detail contains:
  • name - name of the slot
  • text - matched text
  • value - output value (see lists)
trigger.device_id The device ID that captured the command, if any.


These are the properties available for a State trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: state
trigger.entity_id Entity ID that we observe.
trigger.from_state The previous state object of the entity.
trigger.to_state The new state object that triggered trigger.
trigger.for Timedelta object how long state has been to state, if any.


These are the properties available for a Sun trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: sun
trigger.event The event that just happened: sunset or sunrise.
trigger.offset Timedelta object with offset to the event, if any.


These are the properties available for a Template trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: template
trigger.entity_id Entity ID that caused change.
trigger.from_state Previous state object of entity that caused change.
trigger.to_state New state object of entity that caused template to change.
trigger.for Timedelta object how long state has been to state, if any.


These are the properties available for a Time trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: time DateTime object that triggered the time trigger.

Time pattern

These are the properties available for a time pattern trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: time_pattern DateTime object that triggered the time_pattern trigger.

Persistent notification

These properties are available for a persistent notification trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: persistent_notification
trigger.update_type Type of persistent notification update added, removed, current, or updated.
trigger.notification Notification object that triggered the persistent notification trigger.
trigger.notification.notification_id The notification ID
trigger.notification.title Title of the notification
trigger.notification.message Message of the notification
trigger.notification.created_at DateTime object indicating when the notification was created.


These are the properties available for a Webhook trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: webhook
trigger.webhook_id The webhook ID that was triggered.
trigger.json The JSON data of the request (if it had a JSON content type) as a mapping. The form data of the request (if it had a form data content type).
trigger.query The URL query parameters of the request (if provided).


These are the properties available for a Zone trigger.

Template variable Data
trigger.platform Hardcoded: zone
trigger.entity_id Entity ID that we are observing.
trigger.from_state Previous state object of the entity.
trigger.to_state New state object of the entity. State object of zone
trigger.event Event that trigger observed: enter or leave.


# Example configuration.yaml entries
    - trigger: state
      entity_id: device_tracker.paulus
      id: paulus_device
    - action: notify.notify
        message: >
          Paulus just changed from {{ trigger.from_state.state }}
          to {{ trigger.to_state.state }}

          This was triggered by {{ }}

automation 2:
    - trigger: mqtt
      topic: "/notify/+"
    - action: >
        notify.{{ trigger.topic.split('/')[-1] }}
        message: "{{ trigger.payload }}"

automation 3:
    # Multiple entities for which you want to perform the same action.
    - trigger: state
        - light.bedroom_closet
        - light.kiddos_closet
        - light.linen_closet
      to: "on"
      # Trigger when someone leaves one of those lights on for 10 minutes.
      for: "00:10:00"
    - action: light.turn_off
        # Turn off whichever entity triggered the automation.
        entity_id: "{{ trigger.entity_id }}"

automation 4:
    # When an NFC tag is scanned by Home Assistant...
    - trigger: event
      event_type: tag_scanned
      # ...By certain people
          - 06cbf6deafc54cf0b2ffa49552a396ba
          - 2df8a2a6e0be4d5d962aad2d39ed4c9c
    # Check NFC tag (ID) is the one by the front door
    - condition: template
      value_template: "{{ == '8b6d6755-b4d5-4c23-818b-cf224d221ab7'}}"
    # Turn off various lights
    - action: light.turn_off
          - light.bedroom
          - light.living_room