
The logger integration lets you define the level of logging activities in Home Assistant.

To enable the logger integration in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry

The log severity level is warning if the logger integration is not enabled in configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more].

To log all messages and ignore events lower than critical for specified integrations:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  default: info
    homeassistant.components.yamaha: critical
    custom_components.my_integration: critical

To ignore all messages lower than critical and log event for specified integrations:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  default: critical
    # log level for HA core
    homeassistant.core: fatal

    # log level for MQTT integration
    homeassistant.components.mqtt: warning

    # log level for all python scripts
    homeassistant.components.python_script: warning

    # individual log level for this python script
    homeassistant.components.python_script.my_new_script.py: debug

    # log level for SmartThings lights
    homeassistant.components.smartthings.light: info

    # log level for a custom integration
    custom_components.my_integration: debug

    # log level for the `aiohttp` Python package
    aiohttp: error

    # log level for both 'glances_api' and 'glances' integration
    homeassistant.components.glances: fatal
    glances_api: fatal

The log entries are in the form
timestamp log-level thread [namespace] message
where namespace is the <component_namespace> currently logging.

Configuration Variables

default string (Optional)

Default log level. See log_level.

logs map (Optional)

List of integrations and their log level.

<component_namespace> string

Logger namespace of the integration. See log_level.

filters map (Optional)

Regular Expression logging filters.

<component_namespace> list

Logger namespace of the integration and a list of Regular Expressions. See Log Filters.

In the example, do note the difference between ‘glances_api’ and ‘homeassistant.components.glances’ namespaces, both of which are at root. They are logged by different APIs.

If you want to know the namespaces in your own environment then check your log files on startup. You will see INFO log messages from homeassistant.loader stating loaded <component> from <namespace>. Those are the namespaces available for you to set a log level against.

Log levels

Possible log severity levels, listed in order from most severe to least severe, are:

  • critical
  • fatal
  • error
  • warning
  • warn
  • info
  • debug
  • notset

Log filters

Service-specific Regular Expression filters for logs. A message is omitted if it matches the Regular Expression.

An example configuration might look like this:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  default: info
    custom_components.my_integration: critical
      - "HTTP 429" # Filter all HTTP 429 errors
      - "Request to .*unreliable.com.* Timed Out"
      - "^Error handling request$"


Action set_default_level

You can alter the default log level (for integrations without a specified log level) using the logger.set_default_level action.

An example call might look like this:

action: logger.set_default_level
  level: info

Action set_level

You can alter log level for one or several integrations using the logger.set_level action. It accepts the same format as logs in the configuration.

An example call might look like this:

action: logger.set_level
  homeassistant.core: fatal
  homeassistant.components.mqtt: warning
  homeassistant.components.smartthings.light: info
  custom_components.my_integration: debug
  aiohttp: error

Viewing logs

The log information are stored in the configuration directory as home-assistant.log and you can read it with the command-line tool cat or follow it dynamically with tail -f.

You can use the example below, when logged in through the SSH add-on:

tail -f /config/home-assistant.log

On Docker you can use your host command line directly - follow the logs dynamically with:

# follow the log dynamically
docker logs --follow  MY_CONTAINER_ID

To see other options use --help instead, or simply leave with no options to display the entire log.