Entities card

The entities card is the most common type of card. It groups items together into lists. It can be used to display an entity’s state or attribute, but also contain buttons, web links, etc.

To add the entities card to your user interface:

  1. In the top right of the screen, select the edit button.
    • If this is your first time editing a dashboard, the Edit dashboard dialog appears.
      • By editing the dashboard, you are taking over control of this dashboard.
      • This means that it is no longer automatically updated when new dashboard elements become available.
      • Once you’ve taken control, you can’t get this specific dashboard back to update automatically. However, you can create a new default dashboard.
      • To continue, in the dialog, select the three dots menu, then select Take control.
  2. Add a card and customize actions and features to your dashboard.

YAML configuration

The following YAML options are available when you use YAML mode or just prefer to use YAML in the code editor in the UI.

Configuration Variables

type string Required


entities list Required

A list of entity IDs or entity objects or special row objects (see below).

title string (Optional)

Card title.

icon string (Optional)

An icon to display to the left of the title.

show_header_toggle boolean (Optional, default: true)

Button to turn on/off all entities.

theme string (Optional)

Override the used theme for this card with any loaded theme. For more information about themes, see the frontend documentation.

state_color boolean (Optional, default: false)

Set to true to have icons colored when entity is active.

header map (Optional)

Header widget to render. See header documentation.

footer map (Optional)

Footer widget to render. See footer documentation.

Options for entities

If you define entities as objects instead of strings (by adding entity: before entity ID), you can add more customization and configuration.

Configuration Variables

entity string Required

Entity ID.

type string (Optional)

Sets a custom card type: custom:my-custom-card. It also can be used to force entities with a default special row format to render as a simple state. You can do this by setting the type: simple-entity. This can be used, for example, to replace a helper with an editable control with a read-only value.

name string (Optional)

Overwrites friendly name.

icon string (Optional)

Overwrites icon or entity picture.

image string (Optional)

Overwrites entity picture.

secondary_info string (Optional)

Show additional info. Values: entity-id, last-changed, last-updated, last-triggered (only for automations and scripts), position or tilt-position (only for supported covers), brightness (only for lights).

format string (Optional)

How the state should be formatted. Currently only used for timestamp sensors. Valid values are: relative, total, date, time and datetime.

action_name string (Optional)

Button label (only applies to script and scene rows).

state_color boolean (Optional, default: false)

Set to true to have icons colored when entity is active.

tap_action map (Optional)

Action taken on row tap. See action documentation.

hold_action map (Optional)

Action taken on row tap and hold. See action documentation.

double_tap_action map (Optional)

Action taken on row double tap. See action documentation.

confirmation map (Optional)

For entities that display a button element in the row (for example, button, lock, script), this option adds a confirmation dialog to the press of the button. See options for confirmation for configuration options.

Special row elements

Rather than only displaying an entity’s state as a text output, the entities card supports multiple special rows for buttons, attributes, web links, dividers and sections, etc.


Configuration Variables

type string Required


entity string Required

Entity ID.

attribute string Required

Attribute to display from the entity.

prefix string (Optional)

Text before entity state.

suffix string (Optional)

Text after entity state.

name string (Optional)

Overwrites friendly entity name.

icon string (Optional)

Icon to use. Defaults to icon of entity.

format string (Optional)

How the attribute value should be formatted. Currently only supported for timestamp attributes. Valid values are: relative, total, date, time and datetime.


Row with an (optional) icon, label and a single text button at the end of the row that can trigger a defined action.

Configuration Variables

type string Required


entity string (Optional)

Entity ID. Either entity or name (or both) needs to be provided.

name string (Optional)

Row label. Either entity or name (or both) needs to be provided.


Friendly name of entity if specified.

icon string (Optional)

An icon to display to the left of the main label.

action_name string (Optional, default: Run)

Button label.

tap_action map Required

Action taken on button tap. See action documentation.

hold_action map (Optional)

Action taken on button tap and hold. See action documentation.

double_tap_action map (Optional)

Action taken on button double tap. See action documentation.


Multiple buttons displayed in a single row next to each other. See examples further below.

Configuration Variables

type string Required


entities list Required

A list of entities to show. Each entry is either an entity ID or a map.

entity string Required

Entity ID.

icon string (Optional)

Override the entity icon.

image string (Optional)

Override the entity image.

name string (Optional, default: Entity name)

Override the friendly entity name.

show_name boolean (Optional, default: false)

If false, the button name is not shown.

show_icon boolean (Optional, default: true)

If false, the icon is not shown.

tap_action map (Optional)

Action taken on button tap. See action documentation.

hold_action map (Optional)

Action taken on button tap and hold. See action documentation.

double_tap_action map (Optional)

Action taken on button double tap. See action documentation.


Special row to start Home Assistant Cast.

Configuration Variables

type string Required


dashboard string (Optional)

Path to the dashboard of the view that needs to be shown.

view string Required

Path to the view that needs to be shown.

name string (Optional, default: Home Assistant Cast)

Name to show in the row.

icon string (Optional)

Icon to use.



hide_if_unavailable boolean (Optional, default: false)

Hide this row if casting is not available in the browser.


Special row that displays based on entity states.

Configuration Variables

type string Required


conditions list Required

List of conditions to check. See available conditions.

row map Required

Row to display if all conditions match. Can be any of the various supported rows described on this page.


Configuration Variables

type string Required


style map (Optional)

Style the element using CSS.


height: 1px, background-color: var(–divider-color)


Configuration Variables

type string Required


label string (Optional)

Section label.


Configuration Variables

type string Required


url string Required

Website URL (or internal URL e.g., /hassio/dashboard or /panel_custom_name).

name string (Optional, default: URL path)

Link label.

icon string (Optional, default: mdi:link)

Icon to display (e.g., mdi:home).

new_tab boolean (Optional, default: false)

Open link in new tab. If link is external URL or a download link, this will automatically be true. Use if internal URL should be opened in new tab.

download boolean (Optional, default: false)

Is link a download?


Entity rows

type: entities
title: Entities card sample
show_header_toggle: true
  image: "https://www.home-assistant.io/images/dashboards/header-footer/balloons-header.png"
  type: picture
  - entity: alarm_control_panel.alarm
    name: Alarm Panel
  - device_tracker.demo_paulus
  - switch.decorative_lights
  - group.all_lights
  - group.all_locks

Buttons row

Above the divider are regular entity rows, below one of type buttons. Note that regular entity rows automatically show the entity name, whereas for buttons you have to explicitly specify a label / name.

Screenshot of buttons row Screenshot of buttons row.

type: entities
  - entity: light.office_ceiling
  - entity: light.dining_ceiling
  - type: divider
  - type: buttons
      - entity: light.office_ceiling
        name: Office Ceiling
      - entity: light.dining_ceiling
        name: Dining Ceiling

Other special rows

Screenshot of other special rows Screenshot of other special rows.

type: entities
title: Entities card sample
  - type: button
    icon: mdi:power
    name: Bed light transition
    action_name: Toggle light
      action: perform-action
      perform_action: light.toggle
        entity_id: light.bed_light
        transition: 10
  - type: divider
  - type: attribute
    entity: sun.sun
    attribute: elevation
    name: Sun elevation
    prefix: "~"
    suffix: Units
  - type: conditional
      - entity: sun.sun
        state: above_horizon
      entity: sun.sun
      type: attribute
      attribute: azimuth
      icon: mdi:angle-acute
      name: Sun azimuth
  - type: section
    label: Section example
  - type: weblink
    name: Home Assistant
    url: https://www.home-assistant.io/
    icon: mdi:home-assistant
  - type: button
    name: Power cycle LibreELEC
    icon: mdi:power-cycle
      action: perform-action
        text: Are you sure you want to restart?
      perform_action: script.libreelec_power_cycle