
The Velbus integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] is used to control Velbus modules. It supports the Velbus USB, Velbus serial and a TCP/IP gateway.


To add the Velbus hub to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Manual configuration steps

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:

Configuration parameters

During the setup you will be shown 2 choices on ways to connect to the Velbus bus:

  • USB
  • TCP/IP


The USB connection is a way to connect to the Velbus bus. You will need a Velbus USB interface to connect to the bus. The USB interface is connected to the USB port of your Home Assistant device. The interface USB devices are automatically detected and shown in a list. Select the correct USB interface from the list and select Submit.

There will be a connection test to make sure the connection is working, and if it’s working the integration will be added to Home Assistant.


The TCP/IP connection is a way to connect to the Velbus bus. You will need a Velbus TCP/IP interface available in your network.

There are a couple of parameters you need to fill in to connect to the Velbus bus:

  • tls
  • host
  • port
  • password

The tls parameter is optional and can be used to enable or disable the TLS connection. The host parameter is the IP address of the Velbus TCP/IP interface. The port parameter is the port number of the Velbus TCP/IP interface. The password parameter is optional and can be used to authenticate to the Velbus TCP/IP interface.

Example: signum

  • tls: yes
  • host: your signum IP address
  • port: 27015
  • password: your signum password (if configured)

Example: velser

  • tls: no
  • host: your velser IP address
  • port: 6000
  • password: leave empty

Example: Home Assistant add-on

  • tls: depending on your configuration
  • host: your Home Assistant IP address
  • port: 27015 if you kept the default
  • password: leave empty


The pushbutton LEDs of input modules are disabled by default. These can be enabled from the Devices panel in the Configuration page of the web interface.


  • velbus.sync clock: Synchronize Velbus time to local clock.
  • velbus.scan: Scan the bus for new devices.
  • velbus.set_memo_text: Show memo text on Velbus display modules.
  • velbus.clear_cache: Clear the full velbuscache or the cache for one module only.

Action velbus.sync_clock

You can use the velbus.sync_clock action to synchronize the clock of the Velbus modules to the clock of the machine running Home Assistant. This is the same as the ‘sync clock’ button at the VelbusLink software.

Data attribute Optional Description
interface no The port used to connect to the bus (the same one as used during configuration).
config_entry no The config_entry to send the command to.

Action velbus.scan

You can use the velbus.scan action to synchronize the modules between the bus and Home Assistant. This is the same as the ‘scan’ button at the VelbusLink software.

Data attribute Optional Description
interface no The port used to connect to the bus (the same one as used during configuration).
config_entry no The config_entry to send the command to.

Action velbus.set_memo_text

You can use the velbus.set_memo_text action to provide the memo text to be displayed at Velbus modules like VMBGPO(D) and VMBELO.

Data attribute Optional Description
interface no The port used to connect to the bus (the same one as used during configuration).
config_entry no The config_entry to send the command to.
address no The module address in decimal format, which is displayed at the device list at the integration page.
memo_text yes Text to be displayed on module. When no memo text is supplied the memo text will be cleared.


    alias: "Trash memo text"
    - action: velbus.set_memo_text
        address: 65
        memo_text: "It's trash day"
        config_entry: "01JGE8XB3MNPZFA836TTZ3KZ46"

Action velbus.clear_cache

You can use the velbus.clear_cache action to clear the cache of one module or the full cache. Once the clear happens, the integration will start a new scan. Use this action when you make changes to your configuration via velbuslink.

Data attribute Optional Description
interface no The port used to connect to the bus (the same one as used during configuration).
config_entry no The config_entry to send the command to.
address no The module address in decimal format, which is displayed on the device list on the integration page, if provided the service will only clear the cache for this model, without an address, the full velbuscache will be cleared.

VMB7IN and the Energy dashboard

The VMB7IN sensor can be integrated with Home Assistant’s Energy dashboard to track your utility consumption.

In some cases, the VMB7IN sensor does not report what the counter is counting. If the counter is related to an energy device, everything will work out of the box. But if the VMB7IN sensor is a water or gas counter, you will need to specify this in your configuration.yaml file.

      device_class: water

The device_class attribute can have 2 values:

  • gas: if the counter represents a gas meter
  • water: if the counter represents a water meter

Example automation

The Velbus integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] allows you to link a Velbus button (i.e., a button of a VMBGPOD module) to a controllable entityAn entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. Entities are used to monitor physical properties or to control other entities. An entity is usually part of a device or a service. [Learn more] of Home Assistant. The actual linking can be realized by two automation rules. One rule to control the device using the push button and a second rule to update the LED state of the push button as soon as the entityAn entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. Entities are used to monitor physical properties or to control other entities. An entity is usually part of a device or a service. [Learn more] state changes.

# Control light living from Velbus push_button_10
- alias: "Control light living using Velbus push_button_10"
    - trigger: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.push_button_10
      to: "on"
    - action: light.toggle

# Keep status LED push_button_10 in sync to status light living
- alias: "Update LED state of push_button_10"
    - trigger: state
      to: "on"
    - trigger: state
      to: "off"
    - condition: or
        - condition: and
          - condition: state
            entity_id: light.led_push_button_10
            state: "on"
          - condition: state
            state: "off"
        - condition: and
            - condition: state
              entity_id: light.led_push_button_10
              state: "off"
            - condition: state
              state: "on"
    - action: light.toggle
      entity_id: light.led_push_button_10

Removing the integration

The Velbus integration and its entities can be removed by following these steps:

To remove an integration instance from Home Assistant

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & services and select the integration card.
  2. From the list of devices, select the integration instance you want to remove.
  3. Next to the entry, select the three-dot menu. Then, select Delete.

Note: Removing the integration will delete all Velbus devices and their history from Home Assistant.