
The telegram integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] uses Telegram to deliver notifications from Home Assistant to your Telegram application(s).

Setup example

To create your first Telegram bot, follow these steps:

  • Bots are not allowed to contact users. You need to make the first contact from the user for which you want to set up the bot.
  1. Tell Telegram to create a bot for you:

    • In Telegram, open a chat with @BotFather and enter /newbot.
    • Follow the instructions on screen and give your bot a name.
    • BotFather will give you a link to your new bot and an HTTP API token.
      • Store the token somewhere safe.
  2. To get a chat ID, send any message to the GetIDs bot.

    • Then, enter /start.
    • The bot will return your chat ID and the username.
  3. Create a Telegram bot in Home Assistant:

    • Paste this into your configuration file:

    • Replace the api_key and the allowed_chat_ids with your data.

      # Telegram Bot
        - platform: polling
          api_key: "1117774004:EABQulCACdgkQOTN3hS_5HZwSwxDlekCixr"
            - 44441111
  4. Create a notifier:

    • Paste this into your configuration file:

    • Replace the name and the chat_id with your data.

      # Notifier
        - platform: telegram
          name: "sarah"
          chat_id: 44441111
    • Restart Home Assistant.

  5. From the conversation with BotFather, select the link to open a chat with your new bot.

  6. In the chat with the new bot, enter /start.

  7. Test the action:

    • Go to Developer tools > Actions > YAML mode.

    • Paste this into the YAML file:

    • Replace the service and the message with your data.

      action: notify.sarah
        message: "Yay! A message from Home Assistant."
    • Select Perform action. You should now get a message.

  8. You can do more with this. Check out the configuration descriptions and examples below.

Methods to retrieve a chat_id

Method 1: You can get your chat_id by sending any message to the GetIDs bot.

Method 2: To retrieve your chat_id you can visit<YOUR_API_TOKEN>/getUpdates or to use $ curl -X GET<YOUR_API_TOKEN>/getUpdates after you have sent the bot a message. Replace <YOUR_API_TOKEN> with your actual token.

The result set will include your chat ID as id in the chat section:

	"ok": true,
	"result": [{
		"update_id": 254199982,
		"message": {
			"message_id": 27,
			"from": {
				"id": 123456789,
				"first_name": "YOUR_FIRST_NAME YOUR_NICK_NAME",
				"last_name": "YOUR_LAST_NAME",
				"username": "YOUR_NICK_NAME"
			"chat": {
				"id": 123456789,
				"first_name": "YOUR_FIRST_NAME YOUR_NICK_NAME",
				"last_name": "YOUR_LAST_NAME",
				"username": "YOUR_NICK_NAME",
				"type": "private"
			"date": 1678292650,
			"text": "test"

Method 3: Another way to get your chat ID directly is described below. Start your Python interpreter from the command-line:

$ python3
>>> import telegram
>>> bot = telegram.Bot(token='YOUR_API_TOKEN')
>>> chat_id = bot.getUpdates()[-1].message.chat_id
>>> print(chat_id)


If you want to add new chat IDs then you will need to disable the active configuration to actually see the result with the IDs, otherwise you may only get empty results array.

Method 4: You can also get the chat ID from the Home Assistant logs. If you have set up the bot already, you can send a message to your bot from an unauthorized ID and you will see an error entry in the log containing the ID.
Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant logs.


To enable Telegram notifications in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file. After changing the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes. The integration is now shown on the integrations page under Settings > Devices & services. Its entities are listed on the integration card itself and on the Entities tab.

# Example configuration.yaml entry for the Telegram Bot
  - platform: polling
    api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
      - CHAT_ID_1 # example: 123456789 for the chat_id of a user
      - CHAT_ID_2 # example: -987654321 for the chat_id of a group
      - CHAT_ID_3

# Example configuration.yaml entry for the notifier
  - platform: telegram
    chat_id: CHAT_ID_1
  # It is possible to add multiple notifiers by using another chat_id
  # the example belows shows an additional notifier which sends messages to the bot which is added to a group
  - platform: telegram
    chat_id: CHAT_ID_2

Refer to the platforms mentioned in the Telegram chatbot page for telegram_bot configuration.

Configuration Variables

name string (Optional, default: notify)

Setting the optional parameter name allows multiple notifiers to be created. The notifier will bind to the notify.NOTIFIER_NAME action.

chat_id integer Required

The chat ID of the users or group

To use notifications, please see the getting started with automation page.

Text message

  - action: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
      title: "*Send a message*"
      message: "That's an example that _sends_ a *formatted* message with a custom inline keyboard."
          - 'Task 1:/command1, Task 2:/command2'
          - 'Task 3:/command3, Task 4:/command4'

Configuration Variables

title string (Optional)

Will be composed as ‘%title\n%message’.

message string Required

Message text.

keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard.

inline_keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data.

Photo support

  - action: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
      title: "Send an images"
      message: "That's an example that sends an image."
          - url:
            username: "admin"
            password: "secret"
          - file: /tmp/picture.jpg
            caption: "Picture Title xy"
          - url:
            caption: "i.e., for a Title"

Configuration Variables

url string Required

A remote path to an image. Either this or the file configuration option is required.

file string Required

A local path to an image. Either this or the url configuration option is required.

caption string (Optional)

The title of the image.

username string (Optional)

Username for a URL which require HTTP authentication.

password string (Optional)

Password for a URL which require HTTP authentication.

authentication string (Optional, default: basic)

Set to ‘digest’ to use HTTP digest authentication.

verify_ssl boolean (Optional, default: true)

Set to false to skip the validation of the server’s SSL certificate.

keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard.

inline_keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data.


Since Home Assistant version 0.48 you have to whitelist the source folder of the file you want to include in the notification.

    - /tmp
    - /home/kenji/data

Video support

  - action: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
      title: "Send a video"
      message: "That's an example that sends a video."
          - url:
            username: "admin"
            password: "secret"
          - file: /tmp/video.mp4
            caption: "Video Title xy"
          - url:
            caption: "i.e., for a Title"

Configuration Variables

url string Required

A remote path to a video. Either this or the file configuration option is required.

file string Required

A local path to a video. Either this or the url configuration option is required.

caption string (Optional)

The title of the video.

username string (Optional)

Username for a URL which require HTTP authentication.

password string (Optional)

Password for a URL which require HTTP authentication.

authentication string (Optional, default: basic)

Set to ‘digest’ to use HTTP digest authentication.

verify_ssl boolean (Optional, default: true)

Set to false to skip the validation of the server’s SSL certificate.

keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard.

inline_keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data.

Document support

  - action: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
      title: "Send a document"
      message: "That's an example that sends a document and a custom keyboard."
          file: /tmp/whatever.odf
          caption: "Document Title xy"
          - '/command1, /command2'
          - '/command3, /command4'

Configuration Variables

url string Required

A remote path to a document. Either this or the file configuration option is required.

file string Required

A local path to a document. Either this or the url configuration option is required.

caption string (Optional)

The title of the document.

username string (Optional)

Username for a URL which require HTTP authentication.

password string (Optional)

Password for a URL which require HTTP authentication.

authentication string (Optional, default: basic)

Set to ‘digest’ to use HTTP digest authentication.

verify_ssl boolean (Optional, default: true)

Set to false to skip the validation of the server’s SSL certificate.

keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard.

inline_keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data.

Location support


  - action: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
      title: "Send location"
      message: "Location updated."
          latitude: 32.87336
          longitude: 117.22743

Configuration Variables

latitude float Required

The latitude to send.

longitude float Required

The longitude to send.

keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom keyboard.

inline_keyboard list (Optional)

List of rows of commands, comma-separated, to make a custom inline keyboard with buttons with associated callback data.

Extra data attributes support

  - action: notify.NOTIFIER_NAME
      title: "*Send a message*"
      message: |-
        That's an example that sends a message with message_tag, disable_notification and disable_web_page_preview.
        <a href="">HA site</a>
        parse_mode: html
        message_tag: "example_tag"
        disable_notification: True
        disable_web_page_preview: True
        message_thread_id: 123

Configuration Variables

parse_mode string (Optional)

Parser for the message text: markdownv2, html or markdown.

disable_notification boolean (Optional, default: false)

True/false to send the message silently. iOS users and web users will not receive a notification. Android users will receive a notification with no sound.

disable_web_page_preview boolean (Optional, default: false)

True/false to display a webpage preview.

message_tag string (Optional)

Tag for sent message.

message_thread_id integer (Optional)

Send the message to a specific topic or thread.