Squeezebox (Lyrion Music Server)

The Squeezebox integration allows you to control music players from the Lyrion Music Server (LMS) ecosystem. Lyrion Music Server was formerly known as Logitech Media Server.

This integration connects to an existing LMS server and provides both media players and sensors for monitoring server status.

The Squeezebox music player ecosystem, which can be controlled through this integration, includes hardware audio players from Logitech, including Squeezebox 3rd Generation, Squeezebox Boom, Squeezebox Receiver, Transporter, Squeezebox2, Squeezebox and SLIMP3, and many software emulators like Squeezelite, SqueezeSlave, SoftSqueeze and SqueezePlay.


To add the Squeezebox (Lyrion Music Server) integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Squeezebox (Lyrion Music Server) can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

Manual configuration steps

If it wasn’t discovered automatically, don’t worry! You can set up a manual integration entry:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select Squeezebox (Lyrion Music Server).

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.


This platform uses the web interface of the Lyrion Music Server (LMS) to send commands. The default port of the web interface is 9000. It is the same port that you use to access the LMS through your web browser.


The integration now supports Lyrion Music Servers behind an HTTPS reverse proxy. Please note that Lyrion Music Server natively only supports HTTP traffic. Unless you have configured a reverse proxy, do not select the https option. If you have configured a reverse proxy, remember to update the port number.

The Logitech Transporter which have two digital inputs can be activated using a script. The following example turns on the Transporter and activates the toslink input interface:

# Turn on Transporter and activate toslink interface
    - action: homeassistant.turn_on
        entity_id: media_player.transporter
    - action: media_player.play_media
        entity_id: media_player.transporter
        media_content_id: 'source:toslink'
        media_content_type: 'music'


Options for Squeezebox (Lyrion Music Server) can be set via the user interface, by taking the following steps:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.
  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
  • If multiple instances of Squeezebox (Lyrion Music Server) are configured, choose the instance you want to configure.
  • Select the integration, then select Configure.
Browse limit

Maximum number of items to include when browsing media or in a playlist.

Volume step

Amount to adjust the volume when turning volume up or down.


The Squeezebox media player entity supports the “announce” parameter in the media_player.play_media action. When media is played with announce:true, the current state of the media player is saved, the media is then played, and when playing is finished, the original state is restored. For example, if the media player is on and playing a track, once the announcement is finished, the track will resume playing at the same point it was paused by the announcement. If the media player was off, it will be turned off again after playing the announcement.

Extra Keys

The following extra keys are available to modify the announcement

Data attribute Optional Description
announce_volume yes Specifies the volume at which the announcement should play. The value must be between 0 and 1, where 0.1 represents 10% of the player’s volume, 0.2 represents 20%, etc.
announce_timeout yes Specify the maximum length of the announcement in seconds after which the original media will be resumed.

These extra keys are optional. If announce_volume is unspecified, the announcement will play at the current volume of the player. If announce_timeout is unspecified, the announcement will play until completion.


Playing a local file as an announcement:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.squeezebox
  media_content_type: music
  media_content_id: media-source://media_source/local/doorbell.mp3
  announce: true

Playing a local file as an announcement with volume of 20 and timeout of 60 seconds:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.squeezebox
  media_content_type: music
  media_content_id: media-source://media_source/local/doorbell.mp3
  announce: true
    announce_volume: 0.2
    announce_timeout: 60

Announcements and Text to Speech (TTS)

When using the “Text-to-speech (TTS): Speak” action, Home Assistant automatically sets the announce parameter as true, and the announcement features, such as pausing current playback, will be used.

However, the “Text-to-speech (TTS): Speak” action doesn’t support the extra keys described above. If you wish to use announce_volume and/or announce_timeout with TTS, you need to use media-source://tts/(tts_provider) to construct media_content_id as shown below.


Play announcement using Text-to-speech (TTS) action

action: tts.speak
  media_player_entity_id: media_player.squeezebox
  message: There's someone at the door
  cache: false
  entity_id: tts.google_translate_en_co_uk

Play announcement using TTS media-source with announce_volume and announce_timeout

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.squeezebox
  media_content_type: music
  media_content_id: media-source://tts/tts.google_translate_en_co_uk?message="There's someone at the door"
  announce: true
    announce_volume: 0.2
    announce_timeout: 60


Binary sensors

  • Needs restart: Server Service needs to be restarted (typically, this is needed to apply updates).
  • Library rescan: The music library is currently being scanned by LMS (depending on the type of scan, some content may be unavailable).


  • Last scan: Date of the last library scan.
  • Player count: Number of players on the service.
  • Player count off service: Number of players not on this service.
  • Total albums: Total number of albums currently available in the service.
  • Total artists: Total number of artists currently available in the service.
  • Total duration: Duration of all tracks in service (HHHH:MM:SS).
  • Total genres: Total number of genres used in current service.
  • Total songs: Total number of music files currently in service.


Action call_method

Call a custom Squeezebox JSON-RPC API.

See documentation for this interface on http://HOST:PORT/html/docs/cli-api.html?player= where HOST and PORT are the host name and port for your Lyrion Music Server.

Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no Name(s) of the Squeezebox entities where to run the API method.
command no Command to pass to Lyrion Music Server (p0 in the CLI documentation).
parameters yes Array of additional parameters to pass to Lyrion Music Server (p1, …, pN in the CLI documentation).

This action can be used to integrate any Squeezebox action to an automation.

It can also be used to target a Squeezebox from IFTTT (or Dialogflow, Alexa…).

For example, to play an album from your collection, create an IFTTT applet like this:

  • Trigger: Google Assistant, with sentence: I want to listen to album $
  • Action: JSON post query with such JSON body: { "entity_id": "media_player.squeezebox_radio", "command": "playlist", "parameters": ["loadtracks", "album.titlesearch="] }

This can work with title search and basically any thing. The same wouldn’t have worked by calling directly Squeezebox server as IFTTT cannot escape the text field.

When specifying additional parameters in the Visual Editor, each parameter must be preceded by a hyphen and a space to correctly populate the array:

For example, to create an automation to mute playback, use the command mixer and the parameter muting:

Row Parameter Description
1 - muting Toggle muting on / off

resulting in the YAML:

# Toggle the muting state of the specified player
action: squeezebox.call_method
metadata: {}
  command: mixer
    - muting

Where a parameter is an increment or decrement, it is necessary to place the value in double quotes.

For example, to increase the playback volume, use the command mixer and the parameters volume and the amount to increment:

Row Parameter Description
1 - volume Parameter to change
2 - “+5” Increment volume by 5 percent

resulting in the YAML:

# Increment the playback volume of the specified player by five percent
action: squeezebox.call_method
metadata: {}
  command: mixer
    - volume
    - "+5"

Action call_query

Call a custom Squeezebox JSON-RPC API. The result of the query will be stored in the ‘query_result’ attribute of the player.

See documentation for this interface on http://HOST:PORT/html/docs/cli-api.html?player= where HOST and PORT are the host name and port for your Lyrion Music Server.

Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no Name(s) of the Squeezebox entities where to run the API method.
command no Command to pass to Lyrion Music Server (p0 in the CLI documentation).
parameters yes Array of additional parameters to pass to Lyrion Music Server (p1, …, pN in the CLI documentation).

This action can be used to integrate a Squeezebox query into an automation. For example, in a Python script, you can get a list of albums available by an artist like this: hass.services.call("squeezebox", "call_query", { "entity_id": "media_player.kitchen", "command": "albums", "parameters": ["0", "20", "search:beatles", "tags:al"] }) To work with the results: result = hass.states.get("media_player.kitchen").attributes['query_result']