The Roborock integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] allows you to connect your Roborock
The integration also allows for automation and integration with other smart home devices. For example, you could send a notification when the vacuum is stuck, or pause the vacuum when a media player starts playing music.
- Download the Roborock App for iOS or Android.
- Create an account and log in.
- Add your Roborock device to the Roborock App (for example, by scanning a QR code).
To add the Roborock integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:
Manual configuration steps
If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:
Browse to your Home Assistant instance.
In the bottom right corner, select the
Add Integration button. -
From the list, select Roborock.
Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.
Options for Roborock can be set via the user interface, by taking the following steps:
- Browse to your Home Assistant instance.
- Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
- If multiple instances of Roborock are configured, choose the instance you want to configure.
- Select the integration, then select Configure.
The integration can be configured to specify which Roborock App features are drawn on the map.
Data Updates
This integration uses both local and cloud pollingData polling is the process of querying a device or service at regular intervals to check for updates or retrieve data. By defining a custom polling interval, you can control how frequently your system checks for new data, which can help optimize performance and reduce unnecessary network traffic. [Learn more] and also receives cloud push events using MQTT. Local communication is preferred when possible. Map data is always fetched through the cloud, and Dyad and Zeo devices are cloud only.
The integration will automatically discover your Roborock devices using the cloud APIs and get the needed information to communicate locally with them, if supported. Please ensure your Home Assistant instance can communicate with the local IP of your device. We recommend setting a static IP for your Roborock Vacuum to help prevent future issues. The device communicates on port 58867. Depending on your firewall, you may need to allow communication from Home Assistant to your vacuum on that port.
Supported functionality
Roborock devices have a variety of features that are supported on some devices but not on others. Only entities that your device supports will be added to your integration.
Robovac devices
The vacuum entity holds the ability to control most things the vacuum can do, such as start a clean, return to the dock, or set the fan speed.
- Description: Displays a live map of your Roborock vacuum’s cleaning area.
Mop mode
- Description: Describes how to mop the floor. On some firmware, it is called ‘mop route’.
Mop intensity
- Description: How hard you would like your vacuum to mop.
Selected map
- Description: Choose the map that is loaded on the vacuum.
Empty mode
- Description: You can set the “empty mode” setting including Max, Light, Balanced, and Smart.
- Availability: For vacuum equipped with an auto-empty dock
Binary sensor
- Description: States if the vacuum is currently charging or not.
- Description: States if the vacuum is currently cleaning or not. This is on when the robot is actively moving around or when the robot returns to the dock when the battery is low but a clean is still active and will resume later.
Mop attached
- Description: States if the mop is currently attached.
Mop drying status
- Description: Only available on docks with drying capabilites - States if the mop is currently being driven.
Water box attached
- Description: States if the water box is currently attached.
Water shortage
- Description: States if the water box is low on water - ‘Ok’ if it has not detected a water shortage.
Cleaning area
- Description: How much area the vacuum has cleaned in its current run. If the vacuum is not currently cleaning, how much area it has cleaned during its last run.
Cleaning time
- Description: How long the vacuum has been cleaning for. If the vacuum is not currently cleaning, how long it cleaned for in its last run.
Cleaning progress
- Description: Only available on some newer devices - what percent of the current cleaning is completed.
Dock error
- Description: Only available on the non-basic docks - The current error of the vacuum or ‘Ok’ if none exists.
Main brush time left
- Description: How much time is left before Roborock recommends you replace your main brush.
Mop drying remaining time
- Description: Only available on the non-basic docks - How much time is left until the mop is dry and ready to continue cleaning.
Side brush time left
- Description: How much time is left before Roborock recommends you replace your side brush.
Filter time left
- Description: How much time is left before Roborock recommends you replace your vacuum’s air filter.
- Description: The current status of your vacuum. This typically describes the action that is currently being run. For example, ‘spot_cleaning’ or ‘docking’.
Last clean begin
- Description: the last time that your vacuum started cleaning.
Last clean end
- Description: The last time that your vacuum finished cleaning.
Total cleaning time
- Description: The lifetime cleaning duration of your vacuum.
Total cleaning area
- Description: The lifetime cleaning area of your vacuum.
Total cleaning count
- Description: The lifetime cleaning count of your vacuum.
Vacuum error
- Description: The current error with your vacuum, if there is one.
Do not disturb begin
- Description: When Do not disturb is enabled, the vacuum does not run or speak after this point.
Do not disturb end
- Description: When Do not disturb is enabled, the vacuum does not run or speak before this point.
Child lock
- Description: This disables the buttons on the vacuum. Nothing happens when the buttons are pushed.
Status indicator light
- Description: This is the LED on the top of your vacuum. The color changes depending on the status of your vacuum.
Do not disturb
- Description: This enables Do not disturb during the time frame you have set in the app or on the time entity. When Do not disturb is enabled, the vacuum does not run or speak.
- Description: This allows you to control the volume of the robot’s voice. For example, when it states “Starting cleaning”. This allows you to set the volume to 0%, while the app limits it to 20%.
There are currently four buttons that allow you to reset the various maintenance items on your vacuum. Pressing the button cannot be undone. For this reason, the buttons are disabled by default to make sure they are not pressed unintentionally.
Reset sensor consumable
- Description: The sensors on your vacuum are expected to be cleaned after 30 hours of use.
Reset side brush consumable
- Description: The side brush is expected to be replaced every 200 hours.
Reset main brush consumable
- Description: The main brush/ roller is expected to be replaced every 300 hours.
Reset air filter
- Description: The air filter is expected to be replaced every 150 hours.
Action Set Vacuum Goto Position
The roborock.set_vacuum_goto_position
action will set the vacuum to go to
the specified coordinates.
Data attribute:
- Description: Only act on a specific robot.
- Optional: No.
Data attribute:
- Description: X-coordinate, integer value. The dock is located at x-coordinate 25500.
- Optional: No.
Data attribute:
- Description: Y-coordinate, integer value. The dock is located at y-coordinate 25500.
- Optional: No.
Action Get Vacuum Current Position
The roborock.get_vacuum_current_position
action will get the current position of the vacuum. This
is a cloud call and should only be used for diagnostics. This is not meant to be used for
automations. Frequent requests can lead to rate limiting.
Data attribute:
- Description: Only act on a specific robot.
- Optional: No.
action: roborock.get_vacuum_current_position
entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7
data: {}
Result: You will get a response like this:
vacuum.roborock_s7: x: 28081 y: 25168
Action Get Maps
The roborock.get_maps
action will return the maps available on the device and
details about any named rooms on each map.
Data attribute:
- Description: Get maps for a specific device
- Optional: No.
This will return the name of the map, and the room names and id numbers. See How can I clean a specific room? for more details on how to use the maps response.
Dyad devices
Roborock wet/dry vacuums currently expose some entities through an MQTT connection - it is currently cloud dependent.
- Description: The current status of your vacuum. This typically describes the action that is currently being run. For example, ‘drying’ or ‘charging’.
- Description: The current charge of your device.
Filter time left
- Description: how long until Roborock recommends cleaning/replacing your filter.
Brush time left
- Description: how long until Roborock recommends cleaning/replacing your brush.
- Description: the current error of the device - if one exists - “None” otherwise.
Total cleaning time
- Description: how long you have cleaned with your wet/dry vacuum.
Zeo Entities
Roborock Zeo One currently exposes some entities through an MQTT connection - it is currently cloud dependent.
- Description: The current state of your washing machine. For example, ‘washing’ or ‘rinsing’.
- Description: Countdown for how long until the machine starts.
Washing left
- Description: The amount of time until your machine is done washing.
- Description: The current error of the Zeo, if one exists.
Removing the integration
This integration follows standard integration removal. No extra steps are required.
To remove an integration instance from Home Assistant
- Go to Settings > Devices & services and select the integration card.
- From the list of devices, select the integration instance you want to remove.
- Next to the entry, select the three-dot
menu. Then, select Delete.
Can I use the Mi home app with this integration?
No. This integration requires information from your Roborock app to set up and uses Roborock’s protocols to communicate with your device. You must have your vacuum synced to the Roborock app.
Can I block internet access for this device?
As of right now - no. When the vacuum is disconnected from the internet, it will attempt to disconnect itself from Wi-Fi and reconnect itself until it can reach the Roborock servers.
What devices are supported?
If you can add your device to the Roborock app - it is supported. However, some older vacuums like the Roborock S5 must be connected using the Mi Home app and can be set up in Home Assistant through the Xiaomi Miio integration.
What features will you support?
We are working on adding a lot of features to the core integration. We have reverse-engineered over 100 commands
- Selective room cleaning
- Dock controls
- Manual vacuum remote control
- Status information such as errors, clean time, consumables, etc.
- Viewing the camera
- Viewing the map
How can I clean a specific room?
We plan to make the process simpler in the future, but for now, it is a multi-step process.
Make sure to first name the rooms in the Roborock app; otherwise, they won’t appear in the debug log.
Go to Developer Tools > Actions > Roborock: Get Maps. Select your vacuum as the entity. Note that room IDs and names are only updated on the currently selected map.
Request: Your request should look like:
action: roborock.get_maps target: entity_id: vacuum.s7_roborock
Result: You will get a response like this:
vacuum.s7_roborock: maps: - flag: 0 name: Downstairs rooms: "16": Kitchen "17": Living room
Go back to Developer Tools > Actions > Vacuum: Send Command then type
as your command andsegments
with a list of the 2-digit IDs you want to clean. Then, addrepeat
with a number (ranging from 1 to 3) to determine how many times you want to clean these areas.
action: vacuum.send_command
command: app_segment_clean
- segments:
- 22
- 23
repeat: 2
entity_id: vacuum.s7_roborock
I get a invalid or no user agreement error - but nothing shows up in my app
Roborock servers require accepting a user agreement before using the API, which may block Home Assistant during setup. Additionally, the Roborock may ask you to re-enter the user agreement, even if you have entered it before. To allow Home Assistant to use the Roborock API, you need to take the following steps:
- Open your Roborock app.
- Open Profile > About Us > User Agreement & Privacy Policy.
- Hit Revoke authorization.
- Log back in and accept the policy.
- Reload the Roborock integration!
The integration tells me it cannot reach my vacuum and is using the cloud API and that this is not supported
This integration has the capability to control your devices through the cloud API and the local API. If the local API is not reachable, it will just use the cloud API. We recommend only using the local API as it helps prevent any kind of rate-limiting.
The steps needed to fix this issue are specific to your networking setup. Make sure your Home Assistant instance can communicate on port 58867 with the IP address of your vacuum. This may require changing firewall settings, VLAN configuration, etc.