
The qbittorrent platform allows you to monitor your downloads with qBittorrent from within Home Assistant and setup automations based on the information. You can control the alternative speed via the Alternative speed switch.


This sensor requires the qBittorrent Web UI enabled. The official reference describes how to set up the Web UI.


To add the qBittorrent service to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Manual configuration steps

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select qBittorrent.

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.


The qBittorrent integration will add the following sensors:

  • sensor.qbittorrent_status: The status of qBittorrent - up_down, seeding, downloading, or idle.
  • sensor.qbittorrent_connection_status: The connection status of qBittorrent - connected, firewalled, or disconnected.
  • sensor.qbittorrent_upload_speed: The current total upload speed in kB/s.
  • sensor.qbittorrent_download_speed: The current total download speed in kB/s.
  • sensor.qbittorrent_upload_speed_limit: The active qBittorrent upload speed limit (disabled by default).
  • sensor.qbittorrent_download_speed_limit: The active qBittorrent download speed limit (disabled by default).
  • sensor.qbittorrent_alltime_upload: The total amount of uploaded data.
  • sensor.qbittorrent_alltime_download: The total amount of downloaded data.
  • sensor.qbittorrent_global_ratio: The global share ratio (disabled by default).
  • sensor.qbittorrent_all_torrents: The current total torrents in qBittorrent.
  • sensor.qbittorrent_active_torrents: The current active torrents in qBittorrent.
  • sensor.qbittorrent_inactive_torrents: The current inactive torrents in qBittorrent.
  • sensor.qbittorrent_paused_torrents: The current paused torrents in qBittorrent.


The qBittorrent integration adds the following switch:

  • Alternative speed: Allows you to enable or disable qBittorrent’s alternative speed.


Action qbittorrent.get_torrents

This action populates Response Data with a dictionary of torrents based on the provided filter.

Data attribute Optional Description Example
device no The device you’d like to check the torrents of all, active, inactive, paused, downloading, seeding
torrent_filter no The type of torrents you want in the response all, active, inactive, paused, downloading, seeding
action: qbittorrent.get_torrents
  filter: "all"
response_variable: torrents

The response data contains the field torrents which contains a dictionary of torrents. The names of the torrents are the keys.

Action qbittorrent.get_all_torrents

This action populates Response Data with a dictionary of torrents based on the provided filter.

Data attribute Optional Description Example
torrent_filter no The type of torrents you want in the response all, active, inactive, paused, downloading, seeding
action: qbittorrent.get_all_torrents
  filter: "all"
response_variable: all_torrents

The response data contains the field all_torrents, which contains a dictionary of integrations, which each contains a dictionary of torrents. The names of the torrents are the keys.