
The Holiday integration allows you to create a calendar of holidays in Home Assistant for powering automations.

It uses the Python module holidays to incorporate information about region-specific public holidays.

A calendar entity has a state and attributes that represent the next upcoming event (only). A calendar trigger is a much more flexible way to power automations with fewer limitations than using the entity state.

Some countries provides additional categories to be configured besides the public holidays. See the details for each country in the holidays library. If the country does not support additional categories, the option to configure categories will not be displayed.


To add the Holiday integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Manual configuration steps

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:

Holiday calendar automations

Individual holiday Events are what powers automations such as:

  • Turn on the Christmas lights at the start of Christmas Day.
  • Prevent your covers from being opened on public holidays.

For an overview, refer to calendar automations. You can use calendar trigger variables in a condition or action such as the event summary, description, location and in other places.