
The group integration lets you combine multiple entities into a single entity. Entities that are members of a group can be controlled and monitored as a whole.

This can be useful, for example, in cases where you want to control multiple bulbs in a light fixture as a single light in Home Assistant. You also have the option of hiding the individual member entities in a group.

The following entities can be grouped:


To add the Group helper to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Manual configuration steps

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • At the top of the screen, select the tab: Helpers.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Create helper button.

  • From the list, select Group.

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.


Notification entities can only be grouped via the UI. The older notification actions can only be grouped via YAML configuration.

Group behavior

Binary sensor, light, and switch groups

In short, when any group member entity is on, the group will also be on. A complete overview of how groups behave:

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unknown if all group members are unknown or unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is on if at least one group member is on.
  • Otherwise, the group state is off.

Binary sensor, light, and switch groups allow you set the “All entities” option. When enabled, the group behavior is inverted, and all members of the group have to be on for the group to turn on as well. A complete overview of how groups behave when the “All entities” option is enabled:

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unknown if at least one group member is unknown or unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is off if at least one group member is off.
  • Otherwise, the group state is on.

Button groups

The group state is the last time the grouped button was pressed.

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is the last time the grouped button was pressed.

Cover groups

In short, when any group member entity is open, the group will also be open. A complete overview of how cover groups behave:

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unknown if all group members are unknown or unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is opening if at least one group member is opening.
  • Otherwise, the group state is closing if at least one group member is closing.
  • Otherwise, the group state is open if at least one group member is open.
  • Otherwise, the group state is closed.

Event groups

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is the last event received from any group member.

Fan groups

In short, when any group member entity is on, the group will also be on. A complete overview of how fan groups behave:

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unknown if all group members are unknown or unavailable.
  • Otherwise, The group state is on if at least one group member is on.
  • Otherwise, the group state is off.

Lock groups

In short, when any group member entity is unlocked, the group will also be unlocked. A complete overview of how lock groups behave:

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unknown if all group members are unknown or unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is jammed if at least one group member is jammed.
  • Otherwise, the group state is locking if at least one group member is locking.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unlocking if at least one group member is unlocking.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unlocked if at least one group member is unlocked.
  • Otherwise, the group state is locked.

Notify entity groups

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is the last notification sent to the group.

Media player groups

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unknown if all group members are unknown or unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is buffering if all group members are buffering.
  • Otherwise, the group state is idle if all group members are idle.
  • Otherwise, the group state is paused if all group members are paused.
  • Otherwise, the group state is playing if all group members are playing.
  • Otherwise, the group state is on if at least one group member is not off, unavailable or unknown.
  • Otherwise, the group state is off.

Sensor groups

  • The group state is combined / calculated based on type selected to determine the minimum, maximum, latest (last), mean, median, range, product, standard deviation, or sum of the collected states.
  • Members can be any sensor, number or input_number holding numeric states.
  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • If ignore_non_numeric is false then group state will be unavailable if one member is unavailable or does not have a numeric state.

Managing groups

To edit a group, Settings -> Devices & services -> Helpers. Find and select the group from the list.

Group members

Group options

To add or remove entities from an existing group, click on Group options, all the existing entities are listed in the members section where you add and remove entities.

Group members

Group attributes

These are the attributes available for a group.

Attribute Data
entity_id List of all the entity_id’s in the group.

YAML configuration

Alternatively, this integration can be configured and set up manually via YAML instead. Here are example of how to configure groups when using the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file.

Example YAML configuration of a binary sensor group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    name: "Patio Doors"
    device_class: opening
      - binary_sensor.door_left_contact
      - binary_sensor.door_right_contact

Example YAML configuration of a button group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    name: "Restart all ESPHome devices"
    device_class: opening
      - button.device_1_restart
      - button.device_2_restart

Example YAML configuration of a cover group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    name: "Window Covers"
      - cover.hall_window
      - cover.living_room_window

Example YAML configuration of an event group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    name: "Remote events"
      - event.remote_button_1
      - event.remote_button_2
      - event.remote_button_3
      - event.remote_button_4

Example YAML configuration of a fan group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    name: "Downstairs Fans"
      - fan.lanai_west
      - fan.lanai_south
      - fan.lanai_east

Example YAML configuration of a light group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    name: "Kitchen Lights"
      - light.kitchen_ceiling_lights
      - light.kitchen_under_cabinet_lights
      - light.kitchen_spot_lights
      - light.pendant_lights

Example YAML configuration of a lock group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    name: "House Locks"
      - lock.front_door
      - lock.back_door

Example YAML configuration of a media_player group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
      - media_player.kitchen_tv
      - media_player.living_room_tv

Example YAML configuration of a sensor group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    type: mean
      - sensor.temperature_kitchen
      - sensor.temperature_hallway

Example YAML configuration of a switch group:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
      - switch.soundbar

Configuration Variables

entities string | list Required

A list of entities to be included in the group.

name string (Optional)

The name of the group.

unique_id string (Optional)

An ID that uniquely identifies this group. If two groups have the same unique ID, Home Assistant will raise an error. Giving the group a unique ID allows the group name, icon and area to be customized via the UI.

all boolean (Optional, default: false)

Only available for binary_sensor, light and switch groups. Set this to true if the group state should only turn on if all grouped entities are on.

type string Required

Only available for sensor group. The type of sensor: min, max, last, mean, median, range, product, stdev, or sum.

ignore_non_numeric boolean (Optional, default: false)

Only available for sensor group. Set this to true if the group state should ignore sensors with non numeric values.

unit_of_measurement string (Optional)

Only available for sensor group. Set the unit of measurement for the sensor.

device_class string (Optional)

Only available for sensor group. Set the device class for the sensor according to available options.

state_class string (Optional)

Only available for sensor group. Set the state class for the sensor according to available options.

Notify groups

This group is a special case of groups currently only available via YAML configuration.

Notify groups are used to combine multiple notification actions into a single action. This allows you to send notification to multiple devices by performing a single action.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    name: "My notification group"
      - action: html5
          target: "macbook"
      - action: html5_nexus

Configuration Variables

name string Required

Setting the parameter name sets the name of the group.

services list Required

A list of all the actions to be included in the group.

action string Required

The name part of an entity ID, e.g., if you use notify.html5 normally, just put html5. Note that you must put everything in lower case here. Although you might have capitals written in the actual notification actions!

data string (Optional)

A dictionary containing parameters to add to all notify payloads. This can be anything that is valid to use in a payload, such as data, message, target or title. Parameters specified by the action will override the values configured here.

Old style groups

This group is a special case of groups only available via YAML configuration.

We don’t recommend using these old-style groups anymore. They are still supported, but we recommend using the groups as described above.

Back in the day, Home Assistant used groups to visually groups entities in the Home Assistant UI; it was the only way to tell which entities would show up in a single card on your Dashboard. This is no longer the case, as we now have fantastic UI editors and Dashboarding.

However, the old-style groups are still there in the roots of Home Assistant. On the one hand, they are more versatile (they can use more entity types right now); but on the other hand, they are also more limited and complicated to use.

The limited use is that these old-style groups are written to be universal, while the new style groups described above are designed to be a full replacement of their members (e.g., a light group, as described above, has all light features). Besides being only available via manual YAML configuration, they also have limited UI support in terms of customizing.

Example old-style groups YAML configuration:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    name: "Kitchen Group"
      - switch.kitchen_pin_3
    name: "Climate Group"
      - sensor.bedroom_temp
      - sensor.porch_temp
    name: "Awesome People"
      - device_tracker.dad_smith
      - device_tracker.mom_smith

Configuration Variables

name string (Optional)

Name of the group.

entities list Required

A list of entities to group.

all boolean (Optional, default: false)

Set this to true if the group state should only turn on if all grouped entities are on.

icon string (Optional)

The icon that shows in the front end.

Old style groups can calculate group state with entities from the following domains:

  • alert
  • alarm_control_panel
  • automation
  • binary_sensor
  • calendar
  • climate
  • cover
  • device_tracker
  • fan
  • humidifier
  • input_boolean
  • light
  • lock
  • media_player
  • person
  • plant
  • remote
  • script
  • switch
  • vacuum
  • water_heater


Platform domains other than these are not supported to be used with old style groups, nor will other domains be supported in the future.

When member entities all have a single on and off state, the group state will be calculated as follows:

Domain on off
device_tracker home not_home
cover open closed
lock unlocked locked
person home not_home
media_player ok problem

When a group contains entities from domains that have multiple on states or only use on and off, the group state will be on or off.

It is possible to create a group that the system cannot calculate a group state. Groups with entities from unsupported domains will always have an unknown state.

These groups can still be in templates with the expand() directive, called using the homeassistant.turn_on and homeassistant.turn_off actions, etc.


These are the attributes available for an old-style group.

Attribute Data
entity_id List of all the entity_id’s in the group.
order Integer representing the order in which the entity was created, starting with 0.
auto Boolean that will always be set to true. Only appears in groups that were created with the set action.


This integration provides the following actions to modify groups and a action to reload the configuration without restarting Home Assistant itself.

Action Data Description
set Object ID Group id and part of entity id.
Name Name of the group.
Icon Name of the icon for the group.
Entities List of all members in the group. Not compatible with delta.
Add Entities List of members that will change on group listening.
Remove Entities List of members that will be removed from group listening.
All Enable this option if the group should only turn on when all entities are on.
remove Object ID Group id and part of entity id.
reload Object ID Group id and part of entity id.