Magic Home

The Magic Home integration supports several brands of switches, bulbs, and controllers that use the same protocol. Chances are high that your bulb or controller (eg. WiFi LED CONTROLLER) will work with this integration if you can control the device with the Magic Home app or the Surp Life app.

This integration will provide local control over your LED lights/strips and can be configured to auto-scan your network for controllers or for you to manually configure individual lights by their IP address.

Example of bulbs:

Examples of controllers with strips:

Examples of controllers:

Examples of addressable controllers:

Examples of addressable controllers with strip:

Examples of sockets:

These devices have been sold under at least the following brands:


To add the Magic Home integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Magic Home can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

Manual configuration steps

If it wasn’t discovered automatically, don’t worry! You can set up a manual integration entry:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select Magic Home.

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.

After the devices have been added they can be configured with different effects listed below. These settings can be accessed by navigating to the integration settings in Settings -> Integrations and selecting the “Magic Home” configuration for the bulb or controller.

Custom Effect
A list of RGB colors can be entered to create an effect. The effect speed can be adjusted using the slider underneath.

Custom Effect Type
This determines the transition between each color.

Supported models

The following models have been tested.

Model Description Microphone Notes
0x01 Legacy RGB Controller no Original protocol
0x03 Legacy CCT Controller no Original protocol
0x04 UFO Controller RGBW no
0x06 Controller RGBW no
0x07 Controller RGBCW no
0x08 Controller RGB with MIC yes
0x09 Ceiling Light CCT no
0x0E Floor Lamp RGBCW no
0x10 Christmas Light no
0x16 Magnetic Light CCT no
0x17 Magnetic Light Dimmable no
0x1A Christmas Light no
0x1C Table Light CCT no
0x1E Ceiling Light RGBCW no
0x21 Bulb Dimmable no
0x25 Controller RGB/WW/CW no Supports RGB, RGBW, RGBWW, CW, DIM
0x33 Controller RGB no
0x35 Bulb RGBCW no
0x41 Controller Dimmable no
0x44 Bulb RGBW no
0x52 Bulb CCT no
0x54 Downlight RGBW no
0x62 Controller CCT no
0x93 Switch 1 Channel no
0x97 Socket no
0xA1 Addressable v1 no Supports UCS1903, SM16703, WS2811, WS2812B, SK6812, INK1003, WS2801, LB1914
0xA2 Addressable v2 yes Supports UCS1903, SM16703, WS2811, WS2811B, SK6812, INK1003, WS2801, WS2815, APA102, TM1914, UCS2904B
0xA3 Addressable v3 yes Supports WS2812B, SM16703, SM16704, WS2811, UCS1903, SK6812, SK6812RGBW (WS2814), INK1003, UCS2904B
0xA4 Addressable v4 no Supports WS2812B, SM16703, SM16704, WS2811, UCS1903, SK6812, SK6812RGBW (WS2814), INK1003, UCS2904B
0xA6 Addressable v6 yes Supports WS2812B, SM16703, SM16704, WS2811, UCS1903, SK6812, SK6812RGBW (WS2814), INK1003, UCS2904B
0xA7 Addressable v7 yes Supports WS2812B, SM16703, SM16704, WS2811, UCS1903, SK6812, SK6812RGBW (WS2814), INK1003, UCS2904B
0xE1 Ceiling Light CCT no
0xE2 Ceiling Light Assist no Auxiliary Switch not supported

Untested models

The following models have not been tested but may work.

Model Description Microphone Notes
0x02 Legacy Dimmable Controller no Original protocol, discontinued

Unsupported Models

The following models are confirmed to be unsupported.

Model Description Microphone Notes
0x18 Plant Grow Light no
0x19 Socket with 2 USB no
0x1B Aroma Fragrance Lamp no
0x1D Fill Light no
0x94 Switch 1c Watt no
0x95 Switch 2 Channel no
0x96 Switch 4 Channel no
0xD1 Digital Time Lamp no


If a strip controller device will not stay on wifi or goes offline during adjusting colors and effects, upgrading to a power supply with a higher amperage usually resolves any stability issues.


The Magic Home light offers a number of effects which are not included in other lighting packages. These can be selected from the front-end, or sent in the effect field of the light.turn_on command.

Effect Name Description
colorloop Smoothly transitions through the rainbow.
colorjump Jumps through seven different rainbow colors.
colorstrobe Strobes each rainbow color in a loop.
red_fade, green_fade, blue_fade, yellow_fade, cyan_fade, purple_fade, white_fade Fades between the color as indicated in the effect name and black.
rg_cross_fade Fades between red and green.
rb_cross_fade Fades between red and blue.
gb_cross_fade Fades between green and blue.
red_strobe, green_strobe, blue_strobe, yellow_strobe, cyan_strobe, purple_strobe, white_strobe Strobes the color indicated by the effect name.
random Chooses a random color by selecting random values for R, G, and B.

Custom effects - action flux_led.set_custom_effect

The integration offers a custom action to enable you to set the lights to a custom light effect.

Data attribute Description
entity_id The entity_id of the LED light to set the effect on.
colors List of RGB colors to transition between in your effect. (Max 16, Required)
speed_pct The speed of the effect in % (0-100. Default 50)
transition The transition effect you would like. Valid options are gradual, jump, or strobe. (Default gradual)
#Example action
entity_id: light.led_strip
  - [255,0,0]
  - [0,255,0]
  - [0,0,255]
speed_pct: 80
transition: "jump"

Set zones - action flux_led.set_zones

The Addressable v3 (0xA3) models allow setting a color effect per zone. The length of each zone is the number of pixels per segment divided by the number of colors. If the device is turned off, setting the zones will not turn it on. A separate call to light.turn_on is needed to turn on the device.

Data attribute Description
entity_id The entity_id of the LED light to set the effect on.
colors List of colors for each zone (RGB). (Max 2048 Colors)
speed_pct The speed of the effect in % (0-100. Default 50)
effect The effect you would like. Valid options are static, running_water, strobe, jump, or breathing. (Default static)
#Example action
action: flux_led.set_zones
    - light.addressable_v3_8e2f7f
    - light.addressable_v3_8ebdeb
    - [255, 0, 0]
    - [0, 255, 0]
    - [0, 0, 255]
    - [255, 255, 255]
  speed_pct: 80

Set Music Mode - Action flux_led.set_music_mode

The RGB with MIC (0x08), Addressable v2 (0xA2), and Addressable v3 (0xA3) models have a built-in microphone that have multiple music mode settings.

Data attribute Description
entity_id The entity_id of the LED light to set the effect on.
sensitivity Microphone sensitivity (0-100)
brightness Light brightness (0-100)
light_screen Light screen mode for 2 dimensional pixels (Addressable models only)
effect Effect (1-16 on Addressable models, 0-3 on RGB with MIC models)
foreground_color The foreground RGB color
background_color The background RGB color (Addressable models only)
#Example action
action: flux_led.set_music_mode
    - light.addressable_v3_8e2f7f
    - light.addressable_v3_8ebdeb
  sensitivity: 100
  brightness: 100
  effect: 2
  light_screen: false
  background_color: [0, 255, 0]
  foreground_color: [255, 0, 0]