eQ-3 Bluetooth Smart Thermostats

The eq3btsmart climate platform allows you to integrate eQ-3 Bluetooth Smart Thermostats.

The current functionality allows setting the temperature as well as controlling the supported modes with help of the eq3btsmart library. As the device doesn’t contain a temperature sensor (read more), we report target temperature also as current one.


Pairing is only required with firmware versions above 120 and when not using ESPHome Bluetooth proxies. Before configuring Home Assistant you need to pair the thermostat to your Bluetooth adapter using bluetoothctl.

scan on
<Wait for the thermostat to show up and copy the MAC address. It will look something like this: [NEW] Device 00:1A:23:27:F8:4E CC-RT-BLE>
scan off
pair <MAC>
<Input the PIN displayed on the thermostat. To display the PIN hold down the main button.>
trust <MAC>
disconnect <MAC>


To add the eQ-3 Bluetooth Smart Thermostats integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: