Comelit SimpleHome

The Comelit SimpleHome integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] allows you to control your Comelit home automation devices.

Supported devices

There is support for the following platform types within Home Assistant:

  • Comelit Serial Bridge - allows local control for light, cover, irrigation, climate, humidifier/dehumidifier and “other” devices; creates power sensors.
  • Comelit VEDO System - allows local control of the alarm system.


To add the Comelit SimpleHome hub to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Manual configuration steps

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select Comelit SimpleHome.

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.


The IP address of the Comelit SmartHome device.


The TCP port of the Comelit SmartHome device. The default is port 80 (standard for HTTP).


The PIN of the Comelit SmartHome device.


The type of Comelit SmartHome device.


Comelit Serial Bridge.


Comelit VEDO System.

Data updates

This integration pollsData polling is the process of querying a device or service at regular intervals to check for updates or retrieve data. By defining a custom polling interval, you can control how frequently your system checks for new data, which can help optimize performance and reduce unnecessary network traffic. [Learn more] data from the device every 5 seconds by default.

Supported functionality

The Comelit SimpleHome integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] provides the following entities:

Alarm control panel

The integration will create an alarm entity for each area. Additionally, it will create a sensor and a presence detection binary sensor for each zone, enhancing monitoring capabilities.

Removing the integration

This integration follows standard integration removal. No extra steps are required.

To remove an integration instance from Home Assistant

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & services and select the integration card.
  2. From the list of devices, select the integration instance you want to remove.
  3. Next to the entry, select the three-dot menu. Then, select Delete.