Bang & Olufsen

The Bang & Olufsen integration enables control of some of the features of certain Bang & Olufsen devices through Home Assistant.

Compatible devices

Devices that have been tested and should work without any trouble are:

and any other Mozart based products. This means all Connected Speakers that have been launched after 2020.


To add the Bang & Olufsen device to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Bang & Olufsen can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

Manual configuration steps

If it wasn’t discovered automatically, don’t worry! You can set up a manual integration entry:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select Bang & Olufsen.

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.

IP Address

The IP address of your device. Can be found by navigating to the device on the Bang & Olufsen app and selecting SettingsAboutIP address.

Device model

The model name of your Bang & Olufsen device. This is used to determine some capabilities of the device. If the device is not in the list yet, choose a product similar to yours.

Data updates

The Bang & Olufsen integration uses the Mozart API, which is a local REST API with a WebSocket notification channel for immediate state information for media metadata, playback progress, volume etc. The only exception to this is the repeat and shuffle controls which are polled every 30 seconds.

Supported features

Currently, for each added physical device, a single device is created that includes a media_player entity and, if available, event entities.

Media player

A number of features are available through the media player entity:

  • See current metadata, progress, volume, etc.
  • Control next/previous, play/pause, shuffle/repeat settings, volume, sound mode, audio and video sources, and more.
  • Play various media through play_media actions.
  • Control multiroom audio through Beolink:
    • Control with Home Assistant media_player grouping.
    • Monitor current Beolink state through media player properties.
    • For more advanced usage, custom Beolink services have been defined:
      • Connect or expand to ASE products not available in Home Assistant.
      • Expand sessions to all discovered devices.
      • Connect to, expand to or unexpand devices.
      • Set all connected Beolink devices to standby.


Event entities are created for each of the physical controls on your device. These controls usually have their own behaviors, so using them for automations is not always ideal. Available event entities:

  • Bluetooth
  • Microphone
  • Next
  • Play / Pause
  • Favourite 1
  • Favourite 2
  • Favourite 3
  • Favourite 4
  • Previous
  • Volume

All of these event entities support the following event types:

  • Release of short press
  • Long press
  • Release of long press
  • Very long press
  • Release of very long press

All devices except the Beoconnect Core support device controls.


Currently, some features of the Mozart platform are not available through the public API. Some may become available at a later point, but until then the Bang & Olufsen App can be used to configure these settings and features:

  • Creating timers and alarms
  • Retrieving detailed alarm and timer information

And more advanced app-centric features such as:

  • Creating presets
  • Creating listening positions
  • Creating sound modes
  • Creating stereo pairs
  • Adjusting specific sound settings
  • Pairing remotes


play_media actions

The Bang & Olufsen integration supports different playback types in the media_player.play_media action: playback from URL, activating a favorite, playback from a local file, playing a radio station, activating a Deezer flow and Deezer playlists, albums, tracks, and playing files and text-to-speech (TTS) as an overlay.

play_media examples

Playing DR P1 from a URL:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: url

Activating the first favourite:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: favourite
  media_content_id: 1

Playing a local file:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_id: media-source://media_source/local/example.mp3
  media_content_type: music

Playing a radio station:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_id: 1234567890123456
  media_content_type: radio

Playing a Deezer flow. Optionally define a Deezer user ID:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: deezer
  media_content_id: flow
    id: 1234567890

Playing a Deezer playlist. Optionally define starting position for the playlist:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: deezer
  media_content_id: playlist:1234567890
    start_from: 123

Playing a Deezer album. Optionally define starting position for the album:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: deezer
  media_content_id: album:1234567890
    start_from: 123

Playing a Deezer track:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: deezer
  media_content_id: 1234567890

Playing a Tidal playlist. Optionally define starting position for the playlist:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: tidal
  media_content_id: playlist:01234567-89ab-cdfe-0123-456789abcdef
    start_from: 123

Playing a Tidal album. Optionally define starting position for the album:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: tidal
  media_content_id: album:123456789
    start_from: 123

Playing a Tidal track:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: tidal
  media_content_id: 123456789

Interrupts currently playing media to play an audio message.

To use the Bang & Olufsen Cloud TTS, use overlay_tts as the media_content_type and enter a message into the media_content_id field. Bang & Olufsen Cloud TTS messages are limited to 100 unique messages a day and are cached for 24 hours.

Extra keys available:

Data attribute Optional Description
overlay_absolute_volume yes Specify an absolute volume for the overlay.
overlay_offset_volume yes Specify a volume offset to be added to the current volume level.
overlay_tts_language yes Specify the language used for text-to-speech. Uses the BCP 47 standard. Default value is “en-us”.

Playing a local file with an absolute volume as an overlay:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: music
  media_content_id: media-source://media_source/local/doorbell.mp3
  announce: true
    overlay_absolute_volume: 60

Playing a Bang & Olufsen Cloud TTS message with an offset volume (as TTS messages can be quiet):

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: overlay_tts
  media_content_id: This is a test
  announce: true
    overlay_offset_volume: 10

Playing a Bang & Olufsen Cloud TTS message with a local language:

action: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  media_content_type: overlay_tts
  media_content_id: Dette er en test
  announce: true
    overlay_tts_language: da-dk

Custom actions

The Bang & Olufsen integration additionally supports different custom actions for Beolink.

Beolink is Bang & Olufsen’s advanced multiroom audio solution. This integration supports Home Assistant’s media_player grouping, but to fully benefit from Beolink, such as being able to join legacy devices not added in Home Assistant, custom actions have been defined.

Attempting to execute an invalid Beolink action will result in either a Home Assistant error or an audible error indication from your device.


Join a Beolink experience.

Action data attribute Optional Description
beolink_jid yes Manually specify Beolink JID to join.
source_id yes Specify which source to join, behavior varies between hardware platforms. Source names prefaced by a platform name can only be used when connecting to that platform. For example “ASE Beoradio” can only be used when joining an ASE device, while ”ASE / Mozart Deezer” can be used with ASE or Mozart devices. A defined Beolink JID is required.
Join a currently active beolink experience or device playing compatible source
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_join
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678

Repeatedly calling this will cycle through available devices.

Will also be triggered by calling the media_player.join action with an empty list of group_members:

action: media_player.join
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
Join a specific active beolink experience
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_join
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  beolink_jid: [email protected]
Join the “radio” source on a Beolink Converter NL/ML
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_join
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  beolink_jid: [email protected]
  source_id: radio

A limited selection of source_ids are available. The below table shows which source_id can be joined on which hardware platform:

Hardware platform Compatible source_ids
ASE beoradio
ASE and Mozart deezer, spotify
Mozart tidal
Beolink Converter NL/ML radio, tp1, tp2, cd, aux_a, ph


Expand current Beolink experience.

Action data attribute Optional Description
all_discovered yes Expand Beolink experience to all discovered devices.
beolink_jids yes Specify which Beolink JIDs will join current Beolink experience.
Expand an active Beolink experience to all other devices discovered by the defined device
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_expand
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
  all_discovered: true
Expand an active Beolink experience to a specific device
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_expand
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
    - [email protected]

Will also be triggered by calling the media_player.join action, with the entity_id of a media_player entity from this integration in group_members:

action: media_player.join
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
    - media_player.beosound_balance_33333333
Expand an active Beolink experience to specific devices
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_expand
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]

Will also be triggered by calling the media_player.join action, with the entity_ids of media_player entities from this integration in group_members:

action: media_player.join
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
    - media_player.beosound_balance_33333333
    - media_player.beosound_balance_66666666


Unexpand from current Beolink experience.

Action data attribute Optional Description
beolink_jids no Specify which Beolink JIDs will leave from current Beolink experience.
Remove a device from an active Beolink experience
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_unexpand
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
    - [email protected]
Remove devices from an active Beolink experience
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_unexpand
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]


Leave a Beolink experience.

Action usage example
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_leave
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678

Same behavior as calling the media_player.unjoin action:

action: media_player.unjoin
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678


Set all connected Beolink devices to standby.

Action usage example
action: bang_olufsen.beolink_allstandby
  entity_id: media_player.beosound_balance_12345678


WebSocket notifications received from the device are fired as events in Home Assistant. These can be received by listening to bang_olufsen_websocket_event event types, where device_id or serial_number can be used to differentiate devices.

Getting Deezer URIs

To find Deezer playlist, album URIs, and user IDs for Deezer flows, the Deezer website has to be accessed. When navigating to an album, the URL will look something like:, and this needs to be converted to: album:ALBUM_ID and the same applies to playlists, which have the format: playlist:PLAYLIST_ID.

Additionally a Deezer user ID can be found at by selecting the active user in a web browser.

Getting Tidal URIs

Tidal playlists, album URIs and track IDs are available via the Tidal website. When navigating to an album, the URL will look something like, and this needs to be converted to album:ALBUM_ID. The same applies to playlists, which have the format playlist:PLAYLIST_ID. Individual tracks can be found by sharing the track and selecting the Copy track link method, which should yield a link of the format, this can be played by extracting the track id TRACK_ID.


Discovered devices and devices in an active Beolink experience are available in the properties of the media_player entity. A device is represented by its friendly name and JID, used for connecting devices.

  self: The current device
  leader: Beolink leader (if available)
  listeners: Beolink listeners (if available)
  peers: Beolink peers (if available)

Diagnostics and troubleshooting

The Bang & Olufsen integration supports Home Assistant debug logs and diagnostics. Where all received WebSocket events are provided through debug logs and the WebSocket connection state, config entry and media player state is provided through diagnostics.

Removing the integration

This integration follows standard integration removal. No extra steps are required.

To remove an integration instance from Home Assistant

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & services and select the integration card.
  2. From the list of devices, select the integration instance you want to remove.
  3. Next to the entry, select the three-dot menu. Then, select Delete.