Azure Storage

This integration allows you to use Azure storage accounts for use with Home Assistant Backups.


To add the Azure Storage service to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Manual configuration steps

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select Azure Storage.

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.

Storage account name

The name of the storage account. Only the name, nothing else.

Container name

Blob container name to store the backups. If the container does not exist, it will be created. Defaults to hass-backups.

Storage account key

One of the two storage account keys. Used to authenticate against the storage account

Known Limitations

  • Only storage accounts that have a default URL are supported at this point
  • Since only key based authentication is possible, this has to be enabled in your storage account.

Removing the integration

This integration follows standard integration removal. No extra steps are required.

To remove an integration instance from Home Assistant

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & services and select the integration card.
  2. From the list of devices, select the integration instance you want to remove.
  3. Next to the entry, select the three-dot menu. Then, select Delete.


Authentication failure

Check that your storage account allows Shared Key access.