
Keeps track on number entities in your environment, their state, and allows you to control them. This integration allows other integrations to get a value input from user within a range.


Building block integration

This number is a building block integration that cannot be added to your Home Assistant directly but is used and provided by other integrations.

A building block integration differs from the typical integration that connects to a device or service. Instead, other integrations that do integrate a device or service into Home Assistant use this number building block to provide entities, services, and other functionality that you can use in your automations or dashboards.

If one of your integrations features this building block, this page documents the functionality the number building block offers.

If you are looking for a way to create a number entity, please take a look at the Number helper.

The state of a number entity

The state of a number entity is a number.

In addition, the entity can have the following states:

  • Unavailable: The entity is currently unavailable.
  • Unknown: The state is not yet known.

Device class

A device class is a measurement categorization in Home Assistant. It influences how the entity is represented in the dashboard. This can be modified in the customize section. For example, different states may be represented by different icons, colors, or text.

The following device classes are supported for numbers:

  • None: Generic number. This is the default and doesn’t need to be set.
  • apparent_power: Apparent power in VA.
  • aqi: Air Quality Index (unitless).
  • area: Area in m², cm², km², mm², in², ft², yd², mi², ac, ha
  • atmospheric_pressure: Atmospheric pressure in cbar, bar, hPa, mmHg, inHg, kPa, mbar, Pa or psi
  • battery: Percentage of battery that is left in %
  • blood_glucose_concentration: Blood glucose concentration in mg/dL, mmol/L
  • carbon_dioxide: Carbon Dioxide in CO2 (Smoke) in ppm
  • carbon_monoxide: Carbon Monoxide in CO (Gas CNG/LPG) in ppm
  • current: Current in A, mA
  • data_rate: Data rate in bit/s, kbit/s, Mbit/s, Gbit/s, B/s, kB/s, MB/s, GB/s, KiB/s, MiB/s or GiB/s
  • data_size: Data size in bit, kbit, Mbit, Gbit, B, kB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB, ZiB or YiB
  • distance: Generic distance in km, m, cm, mm, mi, nmi, yd, or in
  • duration: Duration in d, h, min, s, or ms
  • energy: Energy in J, kJ, MJ, GJ, mWh, Wh, kWh, MWh, GWh, TWh, cal, kcal, Mcal, or Gcal
  • energy_distance: Energy per distance in kWh/100km, mi/kWh or km/kWh.
  • energy_storage: Stored energy in J, kJ, MJ, GJ, mWh, Wh, kWh, MWh, GWh, TWh, cal, kcal, Mcal, or Gcal
  • frequency: Frequency in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz
  • gas: Gasvolume in m³, ft³ or CCF
  • humidity: Percentage of humidity in the air in %
  • illuminance: The current light level in lx
  • irradiance: Irradiance in W/m² or BTU/(h⋅ft²)
  • moisture: Percentage of water in a substance in %
  • monetary: The monetary value (ISO 4217)
  • nitrogen_dioxide: Concentration of Nitrogen Dioxide in µg/m³
  • nitrogen_monoxide: Concentration of Nitrogen Monoxide in µg/m³
  • nitrous_oxide: Concentration of Nitrous Oxide in µg/m³
  • ozone: Concentration of Ozone in µg/m³
  • ph: Potential hydrogen (pH) value of a water solution
  • pm1: Concentration of particulate matter less than 1 micrometer in µg/m³
  • pm25: Concentration of particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in µg/m³
  • pm10: Concentration of particulate matter less than 10 micrometers in µg/m³
  • power_factor: Power factor (unitless), unit may be None or %
  • power: Power in mW, W, kW, MW, GW or TW
  • precipitation: Accumulated precipitation in cm, in or mm
  • precipitation_intensity: Precipitation intensity in in/d, in/h, mm/d or mm/h
  • pressure: Pressure in Pa, kPa, hPa, bar, cbar, mbar, mmHg, inHg or psi
  • reactive_power: Reactive power in var
  • signal_strength: Signal strength in dB or dBm
  • sound_pressure: Sound pressure in dB or dBA
  • speed: Generic speed in ft/s, in/d, in/h, in/s, km/h, kn, m/s, mph, mm/d, or mm/s
  • sulphur_dioxide: Concentration of sulphur dioxide in µg/m³
  • temperature: Temperature in °C, °F or K
  • volatile_organic_compounds: Concentration of volatile organic compounds in µg/m³
  • volatile_organic_compounds_parts: Ratio of volatile organic compounds in ppm or ppb
  • voltage: Voltage in V, mV, µV, kV, MV
  • volume: Generic volume in L, mL, gal, fl. oz., m³, ft³, or CCF
  • volume_flow_rate: Volume flow rate in m³/h, ft³/min, L/min, gal/min, or mL/s
  • volume_storage: Generic stored volume in L, mL, gal, fl. oz., m³, ft³, or CCF
  • water: Water consumption in L, gal, m³, ft³, or CCF
  • weight: Generic mass in kg, g, mg, µg, oz, lb, or st
  • wind_direction: Wind direction in °
  • wind_speed: Wind speed in Beaufort, ft/s, km/h, kn, m/s, or mph


The Number entities registers the following actions:

Action Data Description
set_value value
Set the value of specific number entities