Honeywell Total Connect Comfort (US)

The Honeywell integration integrates Home Assistant with US-based Honeywell Total Connect Comfort (TCC) climate systems.

If your system is compatible with this integration, then you will be able access it via (note the /portal/).


To add the Honeywell Total Connect Comfort (US) integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Manual configuration steps

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select Honeywell Total Connect Comfort (US).

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.

Supported hardware

Home Assistant is integrated with the following devices through

Other devices like Security systems are not currently supported by this integration.


The climate platform integrates Honeywell US-based thermostats into Home Assistant, allowing control of the thermostat through the user interface. The current inside temperature, operating mode, and fan state are also displayed on the thermostat card.

All climate actions are supported except set_swing_mode.

Due to the instability of the Honeywell total connect system, actions within automations should repeat until success similar to the following example:

alias: "No one home"
description: "Everyone has left home"
  - trigger: numeric_state
    entity_id: zone.home
      minutes: 10
    below: 1
  - repeat:
        - action: climate.set_temperature
            entity_id: climate.stat
            temperature: 64
        - delay:
            minutes: 1
        - condition: state
          entity_id: climate.stat
          attribute: temperature
          state: 64


The sensor platform integrates inside and outside temperature and humidity into Home Assistant as sensors for each device. Not every supported thermostat will support all sensors.

This integration will add Home Assistant sensors for the following:

Sensor Value
Outdoor temperature Average temperature of all Honeywell Wireless Outdoor Sensors
Outdoor humidity Average humidity of all Honeywell Wireless Outdoor Sensors
Indoor temperature Current temperature as measured at the specific thermostat
Indoor humidity Current humidity as measured at the specific thermostat


The switch entity integrates the emergency heat option for each device. If the thermostat supports emergency heat, the switch entity will be created.

This integration will add a switch for the following:

Switch Value
Emergency Heat Activates second stage heat source as primary heat