
The Smappee integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] will allow users to integrate their Smappee monitors, Smappee Comfort Plugs and Smappee Switches into Home Assistant using the official cloud API or the limited local option.

Smappee monitors

The table below summarizes the available options to initiate the Smappee integration in Home Assistant per Smappee monitor type.

Monitor type Local discovery Cloud API
Smappee Energy Yes Yes
Smappee Solar Yes Yes
Smappee Plus Yes Yes
Smappee Pro Yes Yes
Smappee Genius Yes Yes
Smappee Connect No Yes
Smappee Wi-Fi Connect No Yes
Smappee P1/S1 module No Yes

Local discovery

In most cases, the Smappee Energy, Solar, Plus, Pro and Genius monitors will be automatically discovered by Home Assistant through network scanning. Those automatically discovered Smappee devices are listed on the integrations page and can be configured without any additional details. This will provide you a limited number of entities only. If your home network doesn’t support mDNS you can still manually initiate the Smappee integration by choosing the LOCAL option and entering the IP address of the Smappee monitor through the configuration flow.

Technical note: Auto-discovery of Smappee device requires that its mDNS name and password are set to factory default values. These values are typically accessed on the device expert web portal (locally at http://[IP-Address]/smappee.html). If you have changed the mDNS name, this typically is “Smappee[serialnumber]”.


A sensor entity is being added for the current active power usage. In case of solar production, an entity for active power production is added as well.

Smappee Genius devices will also provide entities for the current reactive, voltages for each phase and current active powers for each configured load (submeter).


Switch entities are created for each Smappee Switch and Smappee Comfort Plug.

Cloud API configuration

To use the Smappee cloud integration you need a personal client_id and client_secret and add these to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file. For personal use, access to the API is free and credentials can be obtained by contacting [email protected]. For commercial usage, it is based on a recurring fee and credentials can be obtained by contacting [email protected]. For any information about the use of the API please refer to the Smappee API space.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID
  client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET

Once Home Assistant restarted, go to Settings > Devices & Services and select the Smappee integration. You will be redirected to a login page and be able to select the locations you would like to use within Home Assistant.

Using the Smappee cloud integration allows you to access your Smappee monitor and other shared devices from outside your local network. Additionally a number of (binary) sensor entities become available as well.


Sensor entities are being added for the current active power usage, the always-on active power, today’s total consumption, total consumption during the current hour, total consumption during the last 5 minutes and the always-on (slumber) consumption from today. In case of solar production, entities for the active power production, today’s total solar production and the solar production during the current hour are added as well.

Smappee Pro, Plus, Genius and Connect devices will create current active powers for each configured load (submeter).

In case a Smappee Gas and/or Water meter is installed as well, an entity showing today’s consumption is provided.

Additionally, Smappee, Genius and Connect devices will also provide entities for the line voltages and phase voltages (for each phase).


Switch entities are created for each Smappee Switch, Smappee Comfort Plug and Smappee Output module.

Binary sensor

For each discovered NILM appliance a binary sensor is being added showing the current state of the appliance.

Configuration Variables

client_id string Required

Your Smappee API client ID.

client_secret string Required

Your Smappee API client secret.